Nutritionist Don Lemmon's Official Website
Health & Fitness Articles
A Discussion With The #1 Nutritionist Online
Attention: CHILDREN, SENIORS, BEGINNERS and ATHLETES. It doesn't matter if you have CANCER, AIDS, a prior HEART CONDITION, are PARALYZED, OBESE, ANOREXIC, PREGNANT, experience INDIGESTION, have had JOINT SURGERY, DIABETES, BLOOD PROBLEMS, ALLERGIES, ACHES, PAINS, MIGRAINES, CRAVINGS, EMOTIONAL DISORDERS, FOOD SENSITIVITIES, BLADDER, maybe even RECTAL complications or are the EPITOME OF TOTAL HEALTH. This program was designed with all people in mind. Ask your physician to review it with you. We are certain they too will INSIST you listen to what is in Don Lemmon's Book One: Exercise & Nutrition - The TRUTH manual...
"My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge... Hosea 4:6
"I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I started off pursuing a future in medicine but all the overweight patients our clinic worked with struck a nerve... I changed paths... Trust me, learning the optimal workout, training with proper technique, both definitely help, and I am willing to share the truth about all the exercise tricks you crave, but keep something else in mind... If exercise was the definitive answer to looking your best, there wouldn't be so many people slaving away in the gym for months at a time and getting no where... People, you simply must get your eating under control, discover the secrets to nutrition and master them before starting a new workout plan... If you would just realize what you have read in magazines or seen on television is nothing more than carefully constructed propaganda... Propaganda meant to keep you from making progress so that you keep coming back for 'more info' every month or returning to buy the latest magic pill or powder, which in case you haven't noticed, does not work either..."
"Give this a try for 7 straight days you'll see RESULTS!"
Here is the deal. I want you to begin keeping notes of your workouts and diet, then send them to me every day via email for the next month. If you do this and my program doesn't work for you, I will gladly refund your money. No sweat. But begin today by writing down your current weight, waist measure, what you ate over the past 24 hours, what you did at your last workout including the pounds lifted and reps performed and then fill in all the blanks by making a list of your overall goals. When done, take a look at it. Next, set a date you want to achieve these goals and note what changes you would like to see. You know what is missing? A good plan to get you from Point A to Point B. Let's do this for just 30 straight days, together, and you'll see RESULTS! Orders are shipped and processed by TJ Clark in St George, Utah the same day and our supplements are billed for recurring each month so that you never run out. If you decide to cancel refills, simply email us and you will no longer receive automatic shipments. It is that simple. Eat right, exercise, 'take your vitamins,' and let me guide you. However, please do keep in mind, we do not accept returns of packages that are damaged, used, out dated, already opened or tampered with... That's fair enough in today's crazy world, right? So come on, give our fool proof program a try.
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