February 26, 2004
Man, I am so thankful Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW Book Two is available. After reading this new book, you can begin to MAXIMIZE your efforts immediately each and every workout. Not only will the diet catapult your results beyond your wildest imaginations but also the combination of that with the exercise information you will literally redefine what we mean by results! It would take months to teach you all this information in person, but that's no longer a problem. IT'S RIGHT HERE.
Without what you gain in this new knowledge, like everyone else you know, you will feel cursed to experience little or no rewards for all the effort you put forth! It took me a while to realize the subject of exercise is learned through experience, paying attention to detail, and not listening to magazines (unless you read between the lines), or television stars. Why don't movie stars, only TV stars, hawk that crap in infomercials?
I do not want to turn this into a study of marketing or anatomy, nor physiology (study of the body's function) or kinesiology (movement). I have made it simple and I myself understand that all things really do work, but you need to understand that what you are doing cannot work forever. I first need to cover some basic yet essential information.
My entire program is built upon basic rules and even “laws,” if you must, regarding the building of new muscle in order to speed the metabolism to burn fat, or if you like, body build or compete in sports and fitness. What I offer always works (if you have a healthy and unimpaired body). Forget about bodybuilding or exercise for fat loss right now. Forget about what everybody else says. Your body is a wonderful and perfectly created machine that works best when used following its operation manual.
You can never be nor will you ever be much like anyone else and I am sure you are just fine the way you are. The worst of us have plenty of potential for physical excellence. Three months from now, ask yourself if you are better off than you were when you first read this. The answer will be yes if you are consistent with your efforts. That means nutrition, as well as weight training. Health experts declare that regular activity will improve your health and at the same time prevent disease, BUT it is NEVER a replacement for proper NUTRITION.
You may have attempted an exercise program before and quit. You may have found that there were time constraints and discipline requirements that were interrupted by your current lifestyle and it was just too “difficult” to maintain everything. You may now be exercising all the time and yet haven't seen progress since the Berlin wall went down. I am going to show you something a little different, something that actually works and fits into anybody's busy schedule or lifestyle! I have proven it time and time again with many people that you probably know as peers. So, the advanced routines you seek, they are… HERE
FEBRUARY 21st, 2004
I have been getting slammed over email because I forgot to post this for you last month, so here goes.
Here was my typical Hawaiian day while on vacation... I woke up, poured a tall mug of this new coffee alternative I am trying that tastes just like coffee, has zero caffeine, but contains a whopping 40 grams of protein and 12 grams of fiber! You can NOT tell the difference if you like Starbucks, which I do not. Either way, add a little cream, and I was as ready as ever for either a brisk walk or a Bodylastics workout to get my joints popping, bones cracking, muscles moving, heart beating, and head refreshed before Asia was up. After the session, I took my tupperware container that I had just bought, filled with fresh oats, and headed to the complimentary cafe in the resort lobby. That is where I could add piping hot water normally used for tea, cinnamon, ginger, and some of their freshly sliced fruit. Five minutes later after the oats absorbed the water... heaven! You can also make hot water in a coffee maker if you want to stay in the room with yours. My machine still had the protein stuff in it for later.
Mid-morning, after reading the paper until around 11:30, I headed to my room. Asia 's one condition was that I let her sleep as much as she likes on this trip, so I obliged. While she got dressed, I had cottage cheese and Lemmon's Oil in the same Tupperware container (after washing it, of course) and then another glass of protein coffee. Once dressed, I would watch my wife eat her breakfast, then we'd either head out to the beach (literally 50 feet from our patio), looking for fish, sea turtles, seals, dolphins, whales, crabs, et al. or wading through water so clear, you can see your toes when you are up to your neck in it. What a life! But by 3:00PM … snack time!
By this point in the day I wanted meat so bad, I ordered chicken wings. They may as well have been called "legs" because they were so big and tasty... and the dip for my celery... I got little chunks of Bleu Cheese in it and looked forward to this side treat almost as much as the wings themselves every afternoon. Once done, we'd either lie out in the sun or sat in the shade reading books for a few hours until dinner. I finished 2 books this week, by the way: The Da Vinci Code (holy smokes, how fantastic, what a great read) and the Frank Sinatra biography "His Way" written by Kitty Kelley (don't bother, the lady is a tramp). Nibbling on organic pretzels and fresh fruit while sitting in that ocean breeze, reading... ahh... paradise!
Dinner, normally at 7:00 PM , was always different, and incredible. The hotel treated us to something fancy every night, usually private as well. One night, they sent a meal to our room, the next night we had a special Japanese (traditional) arrangement at their restaurant. I, of course, loved the seafood buffet (lobster claws, more sushi another night, salmon again), but the fresh pork, prime rib, steak, chicken, vegetables... all oh so amazing. Asia is certain they will stop serving buffets there because of me. I am sure we all realize that while traveling, a good "sit down" meal once a day can be real treats and I wasn't missing a bite! Walking them off under the moonlight with the woman you love ain't so bad either!
There is more. Sometime around mid-evening, we would get a drink and cozy up on the beach again watching DVDs on my laptop computer. I watch The Christmas That Almost Wasn't every year -- it's a kids' movie, and Asia humored me through it the one night. Another night we watched the Hulk, which is the worst film of 2003. Ang Lee is a jackass for what he did to that movie, it's so much worse than the Matrix sequels. Anyway, before bed, after the DVDs, we ate cheese together which I washed down with a protein drink.
I was typically in bed around midnight . Asia … well, she is a gambling addict... she would be up ‘til 4:00AM gambling online (hence the need to sleep in each day, haha).
FEBRUARY 14th, 2004
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I took Asia to eat overlooking the ocean in Malibu last night. She has her last photo shoot scheduled before we move to Hawaii on Sunday and didn't want to feel bloated the day before, so we ate a day early. Believe it or not, we did not eat badly; I rarely do, and what example do I set breaking my own rules? We both had a fat grilled sirloin burger topped with bleu cheese, wrapped in portabella mushroom instead of a bun. This delight was served up on a bed of spring greens and sliced cherry tomatoes. Simply wonderful! Of course, looking across the table at the girl of my dreams never hurt a thing either. Since I am a pig, I also had a cup of coffee with a lot of cream and a tuna sashimi salad. Thumbs up to Sunset Restaurant in Malibu (the waiters, of course, couldn't resist trying to make conversation with my well-known bride while I was in the restroom, but I don't blame them -- the sneaky suckers).
FEBRUARY 7th, 2004
In February, 4 years ago (yes, as far back as 2000), I was given an unexpected call by a friend of mine who was coordinating stunts for some film just outside of L.A. at around 11:00PM . This was the same month I was working with Billy Blanks for the Star Wars gig, if you remember that far back. Anyhow, my friend simply "called to see" if I wanted a small role in a movie because they needed an extra body and he thought I would like it. "Why would I like being an extra?" I asked. "You will like this, Don," he proceeded to tell me. "It's not just extra work. You will be the only white guy in the entire film! It's going to be called Dolomite 2000!"
OK, this sounds crazy being a white boy from Ohio and all, but I love those old blaxploitation movies, so I jumped on it and drove straight to Watts (yes, THAT Watts) in my Mercedes (I was subconsciously looking for trouble), and there I was with bells on by midnight, getting beat up by none other than Rudy Ray Moore's army of female bodyguards until 3:00 in the morning. Talk about a laughing riot!
Was it my big break? Haha, no -- I have rarely considered taking up legitimate offers for acting despite many of my closest friends being in the industry (Cody Banks ring a bell, anyone?). In this case, I couldn't resist doing a friend a favor -- I would be the green thumb and that's great!
Justification aside, I have just heard through the grapevine that the film is finally being released under the title of "The Return of Dolomite," so you can see me getting goofy and down with my bad self for what is probably only a few minutes, but the novelty that it is me was worth the humiliation as far as I am concerned! When will it release? Who knows? SOON they are saying...
The 4 year delay? Rudy supposedly wanted the final 7 minutes redone last month. Considering how old the dude is, I can't imagine the footage will mesh with him as he's aged so much more. Then again, considering it was probably only a $50.00 budget when it first shot to begin with, what difference does it make? Word... word to someone's mother, brother!
FEBRUARY 1st, 2004
Laugh if you like, but I did not realize the Super Bowl was today until our cat's vet asked me about it when I had them in for shots to move to Hawaii . "Who are you rooting for?" Eh? Who is playing? The game hadn't begun. "Oh, I see," he said, as I looked around feeling like I am the only person alive missing this game. I looked it up on Yahoo! when I got home and saw New England was in it... and someone else. Asia asked me, "who else?" I replied, "Uh, some other team, I haven't gotten that far in the news. I found something on baseball I am reading first." She laughed and wanted to know who was winning at least so I pretended to look and said, "One of the two teams,” and POW! Right in the kisser, she slugged me. I'm kidding, of course.
You see, I enjoy sports as much as any sane American, but I can't think of too many areas of professional leagues of sports I enjoy today like I did 5, 10, or 20 years ago. I am sure that somewhere out there still exists “baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet” even though it isn't as obvious. I say we can bring it all back and I might take notice again. When did Carolina get a football team anyhow?
OK, I just went to Yahoo! for the news for real this time. What is this crap about Janet Jackson showing her boob? They must be desperate for ratings and attention. I am apparently not alone in passing over today's games. She should have showed it 12 years ago when anyone still wanted to see it. Do you remember the good old days when athletes would smile for their pictures? Now everyone wants to look "street," including that poser Justin Timblerlake. He is probably a good kid, but gangland character he is not.
Glandular Therapy Complex