WARNING: What You May Read Below Is Quite Candid... Enjoy Yourself!
June 16, 2006
I am heartbroken and devastated to have to tell you that Don never made it home from his business meeting in Vegas. He went without me because I was too pregnant to do all that driving with him, so he went alone. It was the longest we'd ever been apart since we got married. And he never came home. On the night of June 11th, Don was driving home to us, and he swerved to avoid something in the road and rolled the Jeep over many lanes of highway. I believe he died quickly. For more information you can read my blog at http://www.asiacarrera.com/bulletin.html.
Don will be missed forever by all his fans, and countless friends online and in real life for the wonderful, charismatic man and brilliant nutritionist that he was. He also leaves behind myself, his pregnant wife Asia, and his beautiful little daughter Catty. There are no words for how deep the pain is from his loss.
We are trying to keep his name and work alive by continuing his business on after his death. Please don't hesitate to place your orders for his products. Shipping is continuing as normal, I have a team of Don's protegees in place to help answer any questions you may have, and I will try to oversee the customer service myself.
Thank you for everyone's love and support. Together we can get through this somehow.
Love, Asia
June 10, 2006
What a day I had. I woke up at 6:15 AM which wouldn't have been a problem but I wanted to sleep until 6:30 AM and we all know how much of a difference 15 minutes can make at the tail end of a night's rest. Well, I didn't get it. Instead, I prepared for my Vegas trip and was fed, showered and out the door by 7:00 AM. I was actually looking forward to the 90 minute cruise and brought along my CD collection to keep me company (Asia was staying home with Catty and I had a business meeting to attend after picking up the head of BuyLemmon.com at the airport). It was pretty out, cool, refreshing and as soon as I popped in the first CD, the stero jammed. I swore, I slapped, I kicked, I pulled over, I cried, I suffered... During a good half of the drive through the mountains, there isn't decient radio to listen to. Without Asia, no conversation either. But that is alright, I made it. Starting out with 3/4 a tank of gas, I wouldn't even need to stop either, just a straight drive until suddenly - DING! Gas light comes on. Which was fine, I could see a gas station just outside of Vegas and then - DOH! The engine stops. I look at my watch, the battery is dying. While the dash says 8:30 AM, my watch says 8:15 AM. Sigh, well, Mark's flight arrives any minute and here I am, eating fat free organic cookies watching the cars buzz by. Luckily, a tow truck stopped, a driver got out and offered me a little gas just to be a nice guy. After filling up and getting to McCarren Airport and then swinging by the Venetian for my meeting (a meeting I was actually early for despite everything else), the day was better only for a short spell.
Explain the meeting, lunch with a big dry chicken, lens crafters manager taking sooo long then racing home.... Asia doctor too.... <editor's note - this entry was not finished, but I posted it anyway - Asia>
June 8, 2006

I am completely stoked! I actually have my own t-shirt! Well, it is a Best Shape Of Your Life t-shirt but it is still cool as I think a shirt can be...
For a flat $20 (which INCLUDES Shipping & Handling in the USA), what do you think? I think they ROCK! To get your very own, go to
PayPal.com and drop your $20.00 U.S. funds into this account (or email this address and Paul Hopkins will take care of it for you): get-the-know-how@earthlink.net
June 5, 2006
It has been one of those weeks where I feel like I have accomplished absolutely nothing and then again I worked myself to the bones. My writing partner Steven Poor and myself have finally finished the adaptation of my White Diamond Rock Band story. The tale begins with Jack, based upon myself, getting out of the Army in 1989 and follows him for the next two years as he pursues every American boy's dream, becoming a rock star. Man, I was inches away too. Against the better wishes of family and girlfriends, five young men head to Los Angeles, record albums and get completely screwed over by the music industry.
Some of you probably remember my releasing music in 2001 from the old White Diamond demos. Those tunes went all the way to #1 on MP3.com before we even knew what hit us. A film offer came along, a script was written, but time passed and so much else has happened that we think it would be best you come and take a look for yourself. Not only will our book be released by Summer's end but so will a 36 songs, three CD set of all the band's music, repackaged and full of bells and whistles.
Before we ship this off, we are inviting the members of our message board to lend a hand. That is correct, we want your help. Just a few months ago, we had a good dozen members come to a private section of the board to offer feedback on the novel Steven and I wrote called Planet of the Gods. While that one is now off to print, we are looking for "Content Readers" who will help point out continuity errors (“Didn’t this character die 2 chapters ago?”), spelling (“The word ‘They’ in the second sentence should be a ‘The”) and grammar (“The third sentence, starting with ‘Kenna looked…’ is a run-on...”).
We even welcome commentary on religious aspects, social aspects, scientific accuracy, or other subjective things as long as you keep in mind... Content is already set, we just need eyes to catch what we and SpellCheck have missed. Remember, this is Reality Fiction which means it is based upon Reality but has been played with enough that you might call it Fiction. So some things are there for a reason and while not understood at times, let us know so we can make it better, not do a complete rewrite.
What we want is not so much to change the existing story but to insert missing statements that better tie the tale together and to look like we know what we are doing (laughs). If you are interested in doing this, join LiesAndPropaganda.com then email me at don@bsoyl.com and let me know. We will begin dividing the book up into 30 chapters, one posted a day, and take it from there... Thank you all for being willing to help us out!
May 30, 2006
Ok, this is funny stuff. A client of mine just submitted his before and after shots. But read his testimonial closely. There is truth and boldness he wouldn't have possessed prior to this transformation. here you go:
I did this with no support from my spouse and I couldn't afford organic food or the supplements. I am the worst example alive. I am no beach bunny, I am not male model. If you do not see what I have on this program, you didn't bother trying. Am I wrong?

For more: CLICK HERE
May 23, 2006
We just came home from Asia's 28 week Ultrasound and we got some really cool pictures!
We could only see half his face clearly because one side was up against the uterus wall and the other was snuggled against the placenta, but you can definitely still see how cute he is! Plus, he's in the perfect "head-down" and slightly "to the left" position which is perfect for delivery, unlike Catty and her 62-hour nightmare of a labor experience, so we are VERY happy about that! Anyhow, meet baby Devin! Here he is sleeping! And then he is sucking his thumb, something Catty still doesn't do... But this last one takes the cake, his first smiling picture! He's not even born yet and the kid's a ham for the cameras just like the rest of the family!

May 17, 2006
Well, I spent a nice chunk of the morning talking to a company that wants to send a film crew to Utah and film our lives. They are fascinated by all that I have going on but they really want to push the whole, "Bad Girl Gone Good," thing regarding Asia. No, not that she is Mormon now, laughs, she isn't.
It is more that she went from World-Famous adult superstar to happy housewife and mother of two beautiful babies (#2 due in August actually) without issue or argument
(plus her pending "Mommying" book, biography, novels, and more after the smoke clears - to think the world believed she was only good to look at - HUH)!
While discussing the prospect of their coming here to film our everyday lives, we covered the following topics (and then some):
Hiking (if that sounds boring, you have never seen a women in her 8 th month of pregnancy climbing mountains, it is far from boring), eating (my eating my best, the wife ordering only desserts and how I handle it and vice versa), checking out the warehouse that makes my products (T.J. Clark of course), sight seeing (going to places like Zion, Snow Canyon, and chasing Polygamists through their home towns as we like to do from time to time), shopping (something we need to do at a half dozen different places around town because we are so picky about food), etc. and a bunch of other things we could plan at literally “who knows” how many of our favorite places.
Now that I think of it, this would probably include our trips to Vegas for specialty items, hanging out at Indian casinos, bowling at our favorite alleys (don't forget, we roll one ball left handed and the other right handed, and we are better than most people slinging from a dominant side) and, oh, who knows, maybe we'll go Alien hunting at Area 51 and let them be a part of my getting the radio show up and running too.
I do know that the prospect of things like taking the wife to the chiropractor (since I believe in them and she doesn't) is something they will find promising. We talked about our battles to convince Asia I know what I am doing despite her having said I do not and yet having so many famous bodies arguing otherwise (conflict sells I am told). And with that in mind, she agreed that after we have Baby #2 at home alone (really, just the two of us) she will let them film her fat loss to get back in fighting shape using my program.
Since we both are stay at home full time parents, ones who intend to home school and avoid the bratty behavior allowed for by other parents of the era; Parents with a baby who knows sign language and communicates better than kids three years older than her; Parents who some call elitists – and that is fine. Point is, we have a lot for them to try and capture even under extended filming schedules.
Last but not least, we talked about their following us to the Mr. Olympia convention in Vegas late September, trailing along on our cross country motor home trip in Fall to visit L.A., Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Portland, Vancouver, Minnesota, Chicago, Detroit, my hometown in Ohio, Nashville and the property we are building the resort, and even being there for the filming of "Recipes & Menus: The DVD" in NYC this October.
Oh, sorry, after that, they might get a kick out of filming our meeting with Asia 's parents in Jersey before we swing back home. I've never met her family and it has been 10 estranged years for her too (because of doing adult film). We plan on being back in November to spend time up in the mountains for Thanksgiving then head to Hawaii for December. So much to do and see, I think they have their hands full if it actually happens! As usual, and of course, when we know more, so shall you.
May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day to the most perfect mother and wife alive, Asia Carrera. Ok, and to the rest of you as well. Without mothers, there wouldn't be anyone around to celebrate. Without good mothers, the world wouldn't stand much of a chance. Take care of the mothers today who deserve it, you hear me out there men? Show your appreciation. I did that by cleaning house and that included scrubbing walls, counter tops, stoves and doing laundry. So there!
May 12, 2006

This week's photo is of myself clowning with Catty. She sometimes walks like she is one of those raptors from Jurassic Park and I mimic her. Asia caught it on film this time. I suppose I would look pretty silly if I weren't in this with my partner in crime....
As you well know, our All-New & Improved Complete Protein Powder is now available. It is a full meal "and then some" in each serving too. The new formula contains 36 vegetables, a half dozen fruits, healthy bacteria, essential fats and even fiber to make up this absolutely incredible product now. And best of all, the ratios of protein to fat grams is perfect for any and all diets (despite my considering any other diet a waste of your time). The carbs? How many? Barely any at all. There is just a few per scoop and you will never even notice them because they do not come from sugar. How did we pull such a concoction off? We used the more nourishing pulp as the source of the fruits and vegetables versus the juice like most other companies <-insert coughing sound-> THOSE FOOLS <-end coughing-> often do. Not surprisingly, the feedback is overwhelming and 100% positive. Clients are experiencing zero bloating, no spikes in blood sugar, fullness that holds them over, satisfying feelings of being nourished, all while remaining devoid of gas, and then there are other comments, but most importantly, everything being said is all good... And I thank you for telling me about it too! There is nothing worse than a customer not offering feedback! Really, we want it! So drop by our Message Board and give us yours today. Come on, visit Lies & Propaganda
Something else new we have recently started is at BestShapeOfYourLife.com; an Article of the Week and a Recipe of the Week. This particular edition is about Frankenfoods (Genetically Modified Organisms) and proper label reading (I forget what recipe I posted though, you will have to take a peek yourself to see)! For more, just pay a visit to the site: Click Here
In other areas of my never ending work schedule.... A close friend of mine who is a screenwriter and I are finishing up a major rewrite of the script surrounding my days in a rock band (circa 1990). Depending on which one of us you ask, we are about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through and things have shaped up rather nicely (we both feel that way). However, when I first put this particular project together and wrote the initial script, I had different plans for it and hired a European band to re-record my original music (12 songs) as part of a package deal for the studios. I would have done it myself but I hadn't a band at the time and wanted something really crisp to provide my soundtrack ready at the same time the storyline was. So much time passed in getting both things done that I eventually dropped everything and got to work on other writings (like novels) that required my immediate attention. Since then, I have actually gathered 12 more recordings by the original band that came to me via the producer I first worked with but unfortunately, until now, I had no use for them.
Doing pretty much what I planned to with the first attempt at breathing life into the tale, I began digging and found yet another 6 tunes on various cassettes in my storage unit that were never finished by my band in a quality worth releasing. But now that we are back to work, I figured it might be fun to have those tune reworked, add a half dozen more, put the other 24 songs along with them in a package once again and release them to the public. As I write this, myself, Benny Doro and Carlos Espada are putting the finishing touches on a 3 CD set. In case you do not know who Benny and Carlos are, there are the "Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons" from the band KISS Nation (considered by the actual members of KISS to be the best KISS tribute in the world). Benny's own album was produced by Paul Stanley and Carlos has worked with Gene Simmons on numerous KISS related projects. How cool is all of that? As far as I am concerned, this project completes everything as it brings me full circle to where I started. Looks like I need to get my pipes back in gear for our NYC trip this Fall... Oh boy...
May 5, 2006

This week's photo is of Catty and myself at the local park. She has grown so much that she climbs the stairs and goes down slides all by herself. As fantastic as that is, I keep an eye on her and stay close "just in case" - you never know! Isn't she cute? Every day I fall a little more in love with this child and every time I do, I fall deeper in love with my wife for having her and bringing us another one in less than just three more months. Time sure flies! Ok, I now want to give the spotlight over to my friend from the U.K. - Stephen Hollingdale:
I believe attitude and personal accountability are a HUGE part of Don Lemmon's Know How. Will power and the ability to see past the short term are also large components, particularly when it comes to the naysayers. Often I feel forced to explain myself to others because I DON'T want a pizza, or I DON'T want a beer. It would be too easy to slip back into old habits without the self discipline to persevere.
I know a big hurdle is the understanding of "why" things work as opposed to the larger part of the will to succeed for some. The book is clear, concise and to the point, however the change is so huge for some of us that it just takes certain people longer than others to realize that these things work without knowing entirely why. The Know How is not a diet, it is a complete LIFESTYLE revision. I love it, and would never go back to my old habits but I do remember the first couple of weeks when it was always, "Why Don, why, why?"
The answers were found as I constantly began looking at the book again. Maybe some people assimilate new information easier than others and that is why members of Best Shape Of Your Life's forum saw the results immediately that others took a couple of weeks to 'get' before applying. But once they 'got it' - Boy do those results come thick and fast.
It's not that the book is unclear, or that anyone is failing, meaning Don or the individual, it just takes that little longer to click for people who have never paid attention to all the things they have been doing wrong before. No-one can fail at using Don Lemmon's Know How if they merely agree to follow the instructions. As has been said, even if you don't follow them to the letter (i.e. not weighing foods, not keeping a log, etc) results still come. This program is THAT GOOD! Hands down!
There is one way to fail. You can always quit. I am sure some people have more weight to lose than others and the length of time can cause a lack of patience. But as they say, quitters never win, winners never quit. Simple. That is why this place and BSOYL are so great. They are a support network of people who can provide friendship, perspective and experience to show those who may have problems, those who are confused, or who may waiver, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and this will work for everyone.
The multifacted group we have is proof positive of this program's ability to work on any person who applies its principles. Even on days I feel less than stellar and maybe feel a little tempted, a quick visit here reminds me what we are all working towards and I am right back on track.
If we all stick together we can take "KH" and show Fatkins and other fat gurus what's what!
For more from Stephen Hollingdale see: BritishFitnessJournal.com
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