APRIL 26th, 2004
The editing of my next two books has begun, which means we will have four in total by the end of the year. These four, along with the release of my new protein powder , will take us one step closer to being the most well-rounded program available to date! I was also just outside on the patio talking to Asia while sitting on my stationary bike. I ended up pedaling for 20 minutes more on level 12, all while I told Asia I wanted to propagate my genes with her before the day was done. "Soon," she said, "soon." Cool. Baby making is good!
APRIL 23rd, 2004
When I say, "We went to the ocean today," people don't really grasp what that's like at times. Well, here's a photo. The funny thing is that while we spent time trying to get the perfect wave shot behind Asia, the water was dead; however, when I stepped to the plate, I turned into a wave magnet and couldn't hide from the Kraken if I wanted to... CLICK HERE
APRIL 20th, 2004
From a client who will surprise you when I release their photographs (if permitted ):
"I am at the halfway point. Well, this is day 31 and when I add another 31 days, that will be 2 complete months, but with a day in between that is 63 days or 9 full weeks... okay, I'm obsessed. This is actually 30 days and one night's rest which is an average month. Either way -- well, no, if I consider these 31 days and wait until tomorrow to have a cheat day -- yeah, a sloppy, wet, naughty cheat day, ew, gross, no, I don't want to eat poorly anymore. Well, you wanted to prove that half butt effort people could still see results and you said it would prove why you do not want any more excuses from anyone. I am excited to see what I can do for another full month of not playing games. Bah! Enough! This past week I wanted to show you how just taking simple notes in a mere 30 days of paying attention, I lost at least 5 inches of gut! I measured that last night, BTW, and today in the morning when my tummy was down, it was more like 6 inches lost, but let's just say it is 5; you saw my pictures. Besides that, I am varying between 10 to 12 pounds lost on the scale depending on using last night's or this morning's reading. That means I accomplished all of this while building a good 3 to 4 pounds of muscle! That's a net fat loss of at least 15 pounds of blubber, and thank you very much, because my waist is down and my muscles are bigger. Not too shabby for a man who ate right 95% of the time, still had a few drinks each week, several cups of coffee, too much cream, distorted sleep scheduling, rarely -- if any -- abdominal exercise, and SOME calisthenics. I was lazy, lazy about exercise in general, so that is not an impressive part of my life or schedule. My eating habits are the only real changes... and the results... SIX INCHES OFF MY WAIST! I am eating 3000 calories a day, started off at 212 pounds, and weigh 202 pounds right now. I do not want to hear excuses from anyone I know now... some people like to say they tried everything, but I just proved they haven't because I thought I had too, and look what I saw today... UNDENIABLE RESULTS! Wait til we check in next month!!"
Thanks for the submission and photos!
APRIL 17th, 2004
Do you like horses? I do. Check out this artwork associated with one of my closest friends! CLICK HERE
APRIL 14th, 2004
I was just given word that one of my best friends ever has passed away. Dr. Gary Eversole, DC was the physician I once shared an office with in Las Vegas, shared many a good time inside and outside of work, and maintained a business relationship with until his diagnosis of cancer. I slam my fist into the desk thinking how often I told him chiropractic is not enough. Diet, exercise... thanks for listening.
APRIL 12th, 2004
I am proud to announce that the sale was a success, but sad to say that it has come to an end! Keep your eyes open, we have sales like that approximately every 6 months! Besides that, I began checking search engine status on all of my websites. I am not too thrilled with the changes in ranking for a few of them. I suppose it is time to get back to work on what would have been done already had I not been pretending to be a full-time beach bum this month. Hawaii, it will make you or break you! I think I will lay out first. No, damn it, I have work to do!
I was just given a list of what we have in the warehouse that is being considered "left over" just before our new goods arrive. These products are not old or even close to being outdated but when the new goods come in, we always ship out the old first. If you send us a check directly to the address on my order form and an email telling me you saw this special; that is all it takes to secure your goods!
Here is the deal -- well, actually, here are the prices, shipping included. Pay attention to what they were priced before and what they are priced now because this is for a LIMITED TIME ONLY until we sell out:
A bottle of our Lemmon's Oil is regularly $26.95 w/S&H...
But now it is $15.00 DELIVERED!
A bottle of our The Perfect Vitamin is regularly $34.50 w/S&H...
But now it is $18.00 DELIVERED!
A bottle of our The Penis Enhancement is regularly $99.95...
But now is $29.95 DELIVERED!
A bottle of our Tooth Oil is regularly $29.95...
But now it is $12.00 DELIVERED!
How does that all grab you for a set of deals? Why checks? Because it is tax time and we are not running the card machines until after this week. JUST KIDDING! Because we are trying to save on UPS and credit card fees to make this cheaper for folks who normally cannot afford regular prices. Are we good to you or what? If you want multiple items, email me and let me know so I can hold on to them until the payment arrives. If you want 6 or more of any item we carry brand spanking new, I will work up a price out for you to save on shipping and overall price even further! Don't be shy. Hey, it pays to check out my site for updates! And EMAIL ME!
APRIL 6th, 2004
One of my good friends and a long time KNOW HOW client has just starred in a new movie! I used to love these kinds of flicks growing up and I can't wait to see it! Congrats to Mary L. Carter! Mary has done it all and her time to become as well known as anyone else in Hollywood is imminent, you'll see! To watch the trailer... CLICK HERE
APRIL 4th, 2004
This is cool. It's going to be in a major magazine soon:
Sarah Harding Success Story
"Winning Ms. Fitness USA"
"In 2002, I entered my first fitness contest. Although I had choreographed several fitness routines in high school, I had no idea how to prepare for them as a competitor. I was a dancer, all-American gymnast, and state-champion spring-board diver. As an athlete, I understood the routine round, but the beauty and physique rounds? I've never had to look so lean before. The last thing I wanted to do was wear a bikini and prance around in high heels. Couldn't I wear a one-piece? Despite a lack of experience, funds, and guidance, I decided to go for it. I put on that bikini and began my prancing!
When I learned I won second place at Ms. Fitness USA 2003, I was shocked . It was my first national competition and I managed to do better than I could have dreamed! I guess all that dieting and prancing paid off! Standing in my evening gown, holding my trophy, I felt like a million bucks. So this is what those women must have been referring to when they said fitness competitions were the best thing that ever happened to them. They walked away with confidence because they looked their best! Or so I thought.
Four months later you wouldn't have recognized me. I had lost my muscle tone, positive attitude, and motivation to workout. In comparison, I looked awful and my fitness contest reminded me just how awful by repeatedly airing itself on national television that January. Many of my friends, relatives, and even strangers wanted to congratulate me. I should have been ecstatic. Instead, I wanted to turn off the tube, ignore phone calls, and hide. I didn't want anyone to learn I had gained fifteen pounds in four months.
Because I didn't know how to train properly for fitness contests, I overexercised and undernourished my body in preparation for that big day. Two weeks before nationals I significantly cut calories to induce quicker weight loss. I wanted to look my best, especially in that bikini! I dieted hard without proper knowledge. Of course after the competition when I started eating like I wanted to, I couldn't stop. I swelled up like a balloon. I was miserable and quite frankly ashamed.
Thank goodness a friend introduced me to a nutrition and exercise program designed by ex-bodybuilder, Don Lemmon. Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW plan focuses on three goals: 1) increasing your metabolism with equally-portioned meals, 2) promoting more efficient food digestion by separating your food groups, and 3) maximizing your strength with few, but very intense, workouts that complement your busy schedule.
Don Lemmon's diet suggests eating meals you select. I learned to eat certain foods in the morning and never to eat two of the same meals in a row. I ate proteins before workouts and carbohydrates afterward. Nearly every meal included something I was forgetting before. My meals consisted of a 3:1 ratio of protein to fat grams, respectively. I increased my water a gallon a day, and I did my best to sleep for at least 8 hours each night. I even kept a sleep log to monitor my energy level.
I watched my body transform. I was leaner than I had ever been in my life! Well, since puberty. And I wasn't even exercising myself to death! Plus, I was allowed to eat plenty of food that sustained my energy. For the first time in my life, I felt in control of my body's shape and I wasn't starving myself either! I looked healthy, but more importantly, I FELT healthy!
After learning how to fuel my body efficiently, I wondered if I could compete in another fitness contest. I feared a repeat weight-gain. What if I was destined to play yo-yo with my body for the rest of my life? Then again, what if I actually learned from my mistakes? I knew I could prevent a rebound by not starving myself in the first place. Thanks to Don Lemmon's plan, I knew how to feed myself and I knew how to train. I was no longer a novice, so I knew how to compete. I decided I could do it. The only thing left to do was the thing I loved: choreograph a routine and share my creativity with the public.
Several months later, I stood proudly as the winner of Ms. Fitness USA 2004. This time, I knew I was a winner without the trophy. So why did it mean that much more to win it? Maybe it was because I had learned to value myself and respect my body. Maybe it was because I was no longer afraid to make mistakes. Or perhaps it was because I finally understood what those other women were talking about. Fitness competitions change your life because you learn how to take care of yourself from the inside out. Ironically it starts with a physical goal, but during the process you learn that a healthy body can only develop from an empowered mind and a nurtured spirit.
The yesteryear's humility had taught me that suffering allows for growth. If we learn from our weaknesses, we can find value in our newfound strength. That trophy is a daily reminder to promote women's health in every way. By empowering ourselves with knowledge, discipline, and strength, we can all discover a healthy spirit."
For more
Lemmon's Oil