September 28, 2004:

Don & pregnant wife discussing politics w/ Oahu Mayor Mufi Hannemann
How about a little dive into this week's mail bag? Ok kiddies, here we go:
"Don, if you have an Albertson's out there. Check out their brand of fat free cottage cheese sometime. I don't know if you'll think it's crap or not but, it doesn't have the tapioca starch in it and hasn't given me a headache. Maybe you'll like it. It compliments the oil better too."
Thanks for the tip! I was looking for a worthy chain to recommend. Please, submit more....
"Don, is training as infrequent as you do good enough? Will I be over recovered, under recovered? How long do muscles take to grow?"
It depends on your efforts, harder days require longer rest periods, softer days, less, but generally 5 workouts every 2 weeks is the minimum you will need. If you trained every 3 days or cycled intensity 3 times per week... That works too... It doesn't seem like an answer, but it is the solution....
Send in your questions, see them answered and posted! CLICK HERE
Try this recipe on for size:
~ Baled Eggs ~
One 8-slice package of Old English or American cheese
2 Tablespoons butter
1 cup half & half (or milk if preferred)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
12 eggs
2 Tablespoons fresh (or frozen) chives
2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated
Slight dash tarragon
Sprinkling of paprika
Butter or spray with non-stick cooking spray a 9 x 13-inch glass baking dish and arrange cheese slices evenly on the bottom. Top each with a dot of butter. Mix half & half, salt, pepper, and mustard together and set aside. Beat eggs and chives together. Pour 1/2 of the cream mix over the cheese, then eggs/chives, and finally remaining cream mix. Arrange grated cheddar on top and sprinkle with paprika. (You can cover and refrigerate this overnight at this point if you want to.) Cover and bake in a preheated 325-degree oven for about 20 minutes, then remove cover and bake for another 20 to 30 minutes. Remove from oven when "solid."
September 22, 2004:
Earlier today I was asked a few questions by a publisher from the U.K. regarding arthritis.
1) What should someone with any illness do to ensure that they stay mobile?
ANSWER: I believe that if you have the use of your arms, you should reach and stretch with them daily to maintain use. If not, have an assistant massage the limbs for better circulation 3 times a day. If you can walk or sit upright, you should do at least free style squats. It isn't aging or illness that limits us, it's our lack of doing things. Much like game playing. We get good, quit, go back, see that we aren't as good, but after a few tries, we are better at things again.
2) Is there an exercise regime you would recommend bearing in mind many arthritics are wheelchair bound or have limited mobility?
ANSWER: Yes, begin with stretching so the muscles get blood and nourishment, that leads to strengthening and more mobility. Consistency allows for greater resistance and normal movement in time.
3) What is the definition of good nutrition, what do we need?
ANSWER: Protein for building tissue, carbs for basic internal function, fats for regulation, water for cleansing, exercise for oxygen, sleep for healing and nothing processed, from a can, boxed or sweetened is allowed near the body...
4) What food groups would you recommend to be eaten on a daily basis to maintain a healthy system?
ANSWER: I recommend breaking the 4 Food Groups into 12 as that allows greater flexibility and a wider variety. You will never confuse beans or nuts for proteins nor think certain carbs are either bad or good once you adopt that rule. I cover it in my Book One.
5) What would be a balanced meal and how do we know we got it right?
ANSWER: That depends on what meal you are eating, what you are doing before or after the meal and the time of day too. We all certainly have different tastes so that would be factored as well. However, a good meal will consist of vegetables as a side dish no matter when it is eaten...
6) Would a vegetarian lifestyle be beneficial to us?
ANSWER: We have fangs. Pointy teeth. We are meant to be meat eaters. I am not big on eating foods that have been abused before preparation but there is a reason vegetarians like veggie burgers and meat flavored soy foods... The body craves meat.
7) Many arthritics are overweight due to inactivity, therefore is there a food plan that could benefit them and promote weight loss?
ANSWER: Not true, I sit on my duff 16 hours a day, I go weeks without exercise and I look better than anyone in our area; it is almost odd I look the way I do without much exercise. People are fat because they eat like piglets. They scoff at the 'health food' junkie and then look toward ridiculous excuses to keep doing what got them in their rut. It is food folks. Eat right for a week without exercise and see if you do not lean out. You will. Even the handicapped see a change.
8) Many nutritionists recommend that someone with this disease stay away from illuminative organs such as kidney, heart and liver as they contain waste products that someone who is already ill has problems dealing with, would you agree?
ANSWER: I agree but we still need what are in organs, the components that heal us, that is why I recommend's product. They supply us with the foundation of defatted, detoxed, organ stuffs.
9) Would you recommend any of your own products to an arthritic, and if so why?
ANSWER: All of them but that just sounds like I want their money. So I tell you what, try eating right first! Once you see results by changing the diet as per my Book One, then you can add supplements and see whether they boost results or not. They will, but how will you know unless everything else has been done first?
10) Do you have any advice to someone suffering with this illness?
ANSWER: Start eating right, begin stretching through the pain, see a good therapist, drink more water, kick the sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, hydrogenated oils, soda, etc. That alone will make you feel a decade younger with or without my help or advice.
September 16, 2004:
Gary Augustine Warren, featuring a professional fitness chef, will be going to the Mr Olympia Expo the last weekend of October in Las Vegas. While there, he is offering customized meals to network his mobile catering service straight from the convention. For those of you who are attending the "O" expo Friday and Saturday October 29th & 30th, you can pre-order a gourmet KHN lunch made by a French trained chef right now through the site! Single lunches will be priced at $12 USD so you really cannot beat that anywhere else in town!
For those of you who may be vendors at the expo, Gary is offering 6 gourmet meals delivered to your booth (3 meals each day, that is 18 meals foe about $8 a pop...), for a total of $150. Your meals will be customized to the exact foodstuff ratio, calorie number, and delivered to your booth at the expo exactly how I would prescribe them. Send your RSVP to Mr Warren HERE. This is a much better alternative than all the junk food, lard laden protein bars, shakes, and what is typically catered like hot dogs, beer and french fries at these expos. If you'd like less or more than 6 meals, e-mail Gary and something can be worked out. Oh... And for you big time networkers out there, refer 10 people and YOUR meals will be FREE! If now isn't the time, just look for the "Image Catering International" booth! I hope they can be of service for you! If you aren't pleased, I will give them a fresh knuckle sandwich!
Hey, this rocks, a client on mine has started a website promoting his KNOW HOW results and I am so thrilled by that I began a Q & A with him. His brother also happens to be the great pool player Alan Hopkins! Check it out:
September 10, 2004:

Don making friends with yet another Hawaiian native
I may be doing some work with a meat company but I want your opinion on them first... If you try their stuff, tell them I sent you, and then tell me what you thought so we can determine if this is as good as it looks... CLICK HERE
I was asked today what I think of Bill Clinton and the South Beach Diet... With all due respect, if he ate right, he wouldn't have these current health problems. You cannot get fat off of clean food, it's impossible... I realize broccoli doesn't taste like chocolate but chocolate doesn't help your bowels move properly nor does it allow you to look good... Either his diet doesn't work or he isn't sticking to it because the plan is too hard for him... Either way, he makes the decisions, they both lose and I hope Bill gets it together... Indiscretions aside, he was a fun President...
"Dear Mr. Lemmon, Do you think the enema bottles at the drug store (with an enema solution already in them), are any good? Even if they aren't like a half gallon or gallon? Just curious! You are right about wasting time getting ready and traveling just to work out being a total joke. Thanks for giving me the idea to work out at home! I know that food separation is important (for digestive purposes); however, do you feel that total calories is actually the most important factor? Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Tom Stroh"
ANSWER: Is a sip of water when hiking across the desert sufficient? It is better than nothing but in no way is it enough to do the job... The more water, the more flushing, the cleaner the bowels become... As far as calories being the key, eating enough and on time is what pushes foods through the body but careful selection at meal time is what ensures it is broken down before working it's way through to begin with... THAT is the key... So eat right, no matter what else you choose to do, eat right.
"I have been on this program for about three weeks. It has been phenomenal! Being a personal trainer, I am amazed at what separating foods can do. My clients are now making more progress than ever. Finally, the Lemmon's oil is the best!! I used Udo's oil for years, but this oil has a much better taste and texture. I was having to take 4-5 tbsp. a day for my skin to not be dry. Now I take two. By the way, my Australian Shepard finally enjoys his food." - Jeff Lochner, personal trainer in Dallas, TX
September 4th, 2004:
Happy Birthday to ME.... The BIG 3-6... And a Happy Holidays to YOU for the weekend... I think I need a beer after realizing how much work I have done for all of you this passing year! Whew! I think I am going grey... I will blame my wife... Yeah, that's the ticket...
I have been working my fingers to the bone trying to sort through all the documents I need to prepare for various upcoming projects. My friend Kiko Ellsworth and I have finished writing a sitcom that another friend in Hollywood may produce, and that is just one of the proposed projects. I have also completed the essentials for my own nutrition and exercise show which may appear on a major network. Imagine that.... That and I somehow talked client Kate Beckinsale, who is playing Ava Gardner in a new film called The Aviator with Leonardo Dicaprio, into an appearance... Kiko will come on too as will several fitness professionals throughout the season... If it flies... These things can get submitted, accepted, and yet just sit there until an existing idea has been put into action first. Sometimes other shows must run the course first... It is a toss of a coin in that field. I just hope Kate wasn't serious about our dressing up like a couple of aerobic instructors from the 80's... I think she was...
With the help of some friends at MartinGroup Identity + Design out of Erie, PA we have finished our new site design. Yes... And you seem to like it... That means we will keep working together for even more changes... Nothing I do is ever really completely finished, it is always changing, but look around the pages to see what we have up and tell me what you think.... CLICK HERE
Perfect Vitamin