We have thousands of posts on our new message board and we technically just started it a couple weeks ago! You all ROCK! And below here, this is what Asia and I do every night after dinner. We feed stray cats that live down by the ocean. A year ago, we couldn't get within 10 feet of them. Now, they let us pet them, pick them up, and a few of them follow us half way home! It has been a full year since we came back from our honeymoon by the way and yet it has never ended. Here we are, pregnant, happy, planning the next 100 years together, I love my life, I love my wife, and again, I thank you for being there, or here at the blog at least, supporting us!
December 21, 2004
Top of the morning and G'Day to you Aussie folk! I am finally buckling down and working out a deal with an official Australian distributor. Soon, there will be no more waiting for Customs to do their thing Down Under! You can buy direct locally.... And once it is rocking & rolling, Asia, Catalina and I will take a trip to Oz and do a promotional tour. Fingers crossed, mate!
How do you like the look of the new site? It is just a temporary change. My kick ass website designer Eric Martin of MartinGroup Identity + Design is working on all new concepts for my book covers, supplement labels and overall presentation. I simply wanted to get that old design out of my face for a while as I waited. We all like change and I can't sit still long enough on anything I do, so... Bored one day... And now look at all the changes! It is cleaner, right? Loads faster? Well, I like it... For now... Ok, besides that...
December 18, 2004
In 2002 I began promoting a tooth oil from OraMd.com that was free of flouride, abrasives and bleach (each causes all the problems associated with commercial dental care). The source of this oil sold the product on their site for $30. I bought it wholesale and sold it to you for just $10 (including shipping). Well, all of a sudden, they drop their prices to $20 and want to charge me $15 a bottle! NO THANKS! So, if you want to buy their product, which is nothing more than peppermint oil mixed with something else for window dressing, just CLICK HERE
Put one drop on your toothbrush, begin gentle strokes and then thank me in a month. By then I will have gotten my own oil together, a special blend of a few different items that actually does more than what the other promises... My oil will only be $5 too by the way... Take THAT OraMd.com...
December 15, 2004
"Hey Don!! Well buddy, with your help I have won the FAME Model America Championship!! It's HUGE!!! I'm now shooting the cover of Fitness Rx next week with a 15 page layout and interview with Clark Bartram!! I have people calling me for soaps, print, commercial, etc!! In the interview they will be asking about my program & how I work out. I wanted to know what I can mention about you and your program that helped me? Let me know what your rules are and I will do my best to send some of this good energy your way! Thanks again! Here is a photo from the stage. Eric Carlson"
I congratulated Eric and sent him a supply of FREE KNOW HOW supplements for his win!
You asked for it, here is our ALL NEW, brand spanking, crazy from the get go, MESSAGE BOARD! It is called "Lies & Propaganda" as we intend to uncover them all and get to the root of media hype and nonsense! Have fun: CLICK HERE
December 10, 2004
I think I might let you read a piece of work to get your opinion. The following is part of a book being written by my friend Jason Gateman and I called Less Than Honorable: Time Travel Experiments....
For 2 hours now I've been watching a spider on my window sill from the confines of my hospital bed. I had noticed it crawling along the floor and make it's way up the wall to the corner of the sill where the glass meets the drywall. This is the one spot of all places where it found a suitable enough area to construct it's domain of intricate knitted crossings of silky strands. It's not been working long, but it's complete now, as I watch the spider silently rest in the middle. of it's creation… The pain of ever waiting.
Perhaps this is much like a farmer setting up market with his fresh crops in hopes of bringing in the patron by offering the best of his work. The waiting… Perhaps he is simply enjoying the view of our cityscape at night. Perhaps it is beyond this as it is doing nothing more than waiting for it's next meal. I remembered seeing a fly earlier. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the two are introduced formally. It's so quiet in here. I listened to the spider as he made laps around his home and wondered if it listened to me. What does it hear? The final night shift nurse has finished making her rounds, and as I lay here in the clinical darkness I have nothing to do this late but look around at the room which is illuminated in a dim green light from the machines that are keeping my body alive. I never thought I'd end up this way.
Who ever envisioned themselves like this might want to change their paths. Come to think of it though, I never really have thought about how I would end up, so I guess this shouldn't come as any surprise. To be trapped, hidden away in the corner of some building in a strange city.... Not my plan. The room is unfortunately the same as any other room I was caged in.... Each different in it's decorations and each serving a distinctively different purpose. But still all the same. I wonder if the spider feels as alienated or unconnected to it's surroundings as I do. I know he isn't the happiest of insects God created. I've been sitting here watching this wonderful creature for days.
Struck by the realization of how simple things operate, yet how complex their work can become, I do know one thing. Looking a spider in the eye from this distance makes me feel itchy all over. As small as the spider is, I wonder if he knew that his ancestors were even larger than myself. Maybe this is why he chose my window of all windows to call home. He doesn't feel safe elsewhere. I do not know why I am calling it a he but that makes my conscious feel more at ease. Like I have a friend in this world. He doesn't, but now I do.
My new friend has no idea that he is from a family of much larger bugs, or should I tell him. He made his home here by accident. You would think with repetition that they would know humans destroy spider webs on site due to disgust. This is how I know he hasn't comrades to consult. They surely would have told him so. But I know what that is like. No comrades…. I haven't had a real friend or someone I trusted in my life for quite some time now. I am better off this way probably Those whom you love always fail you at some point.
Like a bad record, you have to wonder, does the band care to record as well as before? No, they lose interest. Same with politicians. They really do care about the land when they begin. It's somewhere along the line when they discover how unappreciated they are that concerns wither away for their voting public. Now that there is no voting, at least I think there is no voting, I have to wonder… What year is this?
For more: CLICK HERE
December 5, 2004
Email of the week: What is Colon and Rectal Surgery like?
If your doctor has detected a large polyp or a cancer in your colon, surgery may be needed to remove the growth. Often, polyps can be removed through a colon-o-scope. Polyps at other times may require surgical removal through the anus. Polyps that are exceptionally large, flat or can't be removed with a colon-o-scope may require abdominal surgery. If you have colon cancer, surgery removes the cancer and surrounding tissue but sometimes the lymph glands to reduce the chance of recurrence. Doctors do this because they know darn well most people ate themselves into this condition and will do little to change their habits. A bit of a shocker that we cannot be trusted enough to leave us with our original parts.
Whether you have cancer or a large polyp, a resection may be designed to keep the colon's tube like shape so that waste can pass through easily and you'll one day have normal bowel function. If you need a colostomy, a new opening, or stoma, it is created to get rid of waste your body has no ability left to perform on it's own. Who do you blame? McDonald's? Jack Daniels? The lack of fiber? Imagine your colon brought out through an opening in your abdomen and formed into a stoma. This is a fun surgery but think about after recovery. Stool forever passes from now on through the stoma and into a colostomy bag or another wonderful appliance. Without complications, you can expect to stay in the hospital for about a week after your surgery.
There's more, during surgery, a catheter may be inserted into your bladder. That will remain in place for the first few days after surgery to collect urine. Won't you feel good about yourself? This helps your doctor measure the amount of fluids your body is putting out and monitor your body's return to normal. Are we having fun yet? After you get to leave, you will notice a lot of diarrhea. However, loose stools are common just after bowel function returns. I am not making a joke of this at all. The best part is the nas-gastric tube going through your nose to your stomach to keep your stomach empty. You'll be fed intravenously, because you can't be trusted any longer and then there is light at the end of the tunnel. You fart. Joy to the world! When you pass gas, it's a sign that your colon is working again. Then you can start a liquid diet. If wise, you will progress to soft, fibrous foods until your healing is complete and never again eat junk that is bad for you.
For more tips on medical related topics that relate to either your health or that of a client: CLICK HERE
Don Lemmon's Know How Book Two