January 31, 2005
Settling in has been a bit wacky. You can see what is keeping us busy by joining our message board, it's FREE (and up to over 20,000 posts already): CLICK HERE
Our belongings arrived. They came with only two movers to unload all 200 boxes so I had to lend a hand. If I hadn't, there was no way the truck would have been unpacked by 5 p.m. I did not mind, I was just surprised is all. I was even more shocked to see half our boxes weren't labeled. We had no idea what was in half of the delivery! By the end of the day I had 2/3 of it inside and by evening the following day, at least half of everything was put away. This includes Asia's office which I whipped together so she wouldn't be stuck doing it herself. The happiness she brings me when I see in her eyes I did a good job was well worth the extra effort. Somehow, I even found a way to arrange everything in the garage alongside the other 100 boxes from Los Angeles that arrived 3 days earlier. That was impressive! Woe to the working man, the very next day we drove to Vegas (100 miles South) to grab our Corvette.
How I found time to assemble my home gym is beyond me (It isn't all together yet...): CLICK HERE
If you look closer, here is what's hanging across the back (I do a mixture of weights, Bodylastics, isometrics and calisthenics these days...): CLICK HERE
January 23, 2005
Finally, I have started a Don Lemmon Affiliate Program. If you have a website, all you have to do is sign up, post a banner and a link, then you earn 20% of whatever sales your link generates for Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW products... Simple enough right? Go ahead and join now: CLICK HERE
You're looking for results, right? Well one thing's for certain. No matter how hard you train. No matter what supplements you take. To build new muscle you need protein. The better the protein... the better the results. Well, you need to provide your muscles with the nutrients to repair, rebuild, and grow... Every moment of every day! How much protein do you need? How often do you ingest it? How many times have you heard the statement, "You can get all the protein you need from a normal diet?"
The question is, "Need for what?" There's quite a difference between the need to sustain life and the need to achieve a premium muscular body. To sustain life you need about 36 grams of protein per 100 lb. of bodyweight. To build muscle however... Your hormonal system also needs to get involved, switching over from fat storing to a fat burning mode through the release of the hormone glucagon. This fat burning hormone is released in response to a greater protein to carbohydrate ratio in your diet. Sure, to achieve this, you could simply lower carbohydrates, but you'd lose a lot of muscle. For the solution, check out:
Complete Protein Powder
January 19, 2005
I was asked to write a little something on CPR and thought I'd share it with you....
CPR stands for cardio pulmonary resuscitation. Cardio refers to the heart. Pulmonary refers to the lungs. CPR is a way to give oxygen and keep the heart pumping when it has stopped beating. It is an emergency procedure that can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped beating and who is not breathing. Almost 75% of cardiac arrests occur in the home. When someone has a cardiac arrest, the heart stops beating.
When this happens, someone should call 911 and then the victim should be given CPR until he or she starts breathing or emergency medical help arrives. If CPR is not done, the person can have brain damage or die in 5 to 10 minutes. CPR is easy and performed by blowing air into a person's lungs with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and by pushing on their chest. The mouth-to-mouth resuscitation gives the person some oxygen. Pushing on the chest pumps the heart to keep blood flowing. All trainers must know this by heart and be ready to administer it at the drop of a dime. Memorize the following steps:
1. Have a cell phone. Call 911. See if the person can respond to you. For example, speak to or tap the person. If there is no response, call 911, sit the phone next to you, return to the person, let 911 hear you.
2. Tilt the person's head, lift the chin, and check for breathing. Carefully position the person flat on their back. Kneel by their side and place one hand on the forehead and the other under the chin. Tilt the head back and until the upper and lower teeth almost touch. Look to see the chest rise, listen for the airway, and feel on your cheek for breathing.
3. Give them 2 deep breaths. Pinch the nose closed and cover their mouth with yours. Give 2 forceful breaths that last 1 to 2 seconds. The person's chest will rise if the head is back and they are getting air.
4. Position your hands. Put your hands in the center of the person's chest between the nipples. Place one hand on top of the other.
5. Push down steady, not forceful, 15 times. Firmly push down with the heel of your hand about 2 inches on the chest, keeping your elbows locked. Push on the chest 15 times at a rate of about 100 pushes per minute (faster than once per second).
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5. Continue with 2 breaths and 15 pushes until medical help arrives or until the person starts breathing. Do not give up and be sure nothing is blocking their airway.
January 15, 2005
The weather outside is frightful... All around the globe is out of control. California has mudslides, Utah has avalanches, Ohio has flooding, Antarctica has melting... When will it end? Luckily, here in St. George while some people are suffering, and that is terrible, we are grateful for what we have. Despite the fact we are sleeping on air mattresses until our belongings arrive from Hawaii, despite having a leaky roof the seller is fixing this week, and despite driving a rental car that Asia finds uncomfortable, we live on a hill, are safe and could not be happier. Its stressful, sure, we see the damage in our surrounding the area, and we feel the stress, but it isn't in a way that we aren't getting along... Oh, no, not us, we are convinced the honeymoon is ongoing... And never ending... We camp out around the laptop by the fireplace each night, watch DVD's, snuggle in sleeping bags... We did buy a desk, a computer, a television and sweaters this week. We also ventured out and got to know our lovely new new city, and we have already made strides in what Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW will deliver over 2005. I look forward to filling you in on everything as soon as possible. Oh yeah... Baby Catalina 2005 Countdown has begun! She will arrive anytime between now and March 12th (my bet)! It is time to find a midwife because Asia wants to deliver our baby naturally. And I support her!!
January 7, 2005
We are officially Utah natives now! We just unpacked! What? Why the move from paradise? Why didn't we tell you? Well, long story, super short, we found our dream home for a tenth of what it would cost in Hawaii and we can always go back to visit the islands but we would never find a deal like this again (even if we could, I am a miser, I feel guilty spending more money than most people will ever see in a lifetime on a home)... Anyhow, a client of mine and friend of Asia's, not to mention a former pro baseball player that I saw pitch his first game, set it all up for us. We barely lifted a finger from Oahu. While we aren't settled completely in yet; there is a truckload of goods coming from L.A. and a boat from the Islands; we are 'home' and we love it here (despite the unusual cold and rain season passing by)! No kidding, the freak snow storm that hit Southern Utah and Nevada has blown our minds, flooded homes nearby and actually caused a few to collapse into the Virgin River bed! We expected a change in climate, just not such a dramatic one the first day and not in Vegas!
You wouldn't believe the damage seen from the road driving past Sin City. Having lived there for 8 years, I have never witnessed anything like it. Boy, it was a long trip... We got to the airport and they insisted we take a cab to buy a second cat carrier for our pets after giving the green light for just one over the phone... After missing the flight, we ended up in LA at an inconvenient time so we drove to Utah ourselves. Actually, Asia did. She was supposed to wake me but didn't. She was a pregnant woman on a mission... Once here, the heat wasn't turned on and we need cat supplies. Finally, around 8:00 a.m. we got to rest on an air mattress and in sleeping bags... This is being written on dial-up via my laptop while sitting on the floor by our fireplace. But we are home! Our first "house" together! And a baby within a couple months (Asia announced her pregnancy at the end of June...)! Today, we scope out the local grocery stores for our favorite feeds... Lastly, I want to apologize for not getting to meet everyone on Oahu that we would have liked to. I tried, but being swamped doesn't quite cover the pace of our lives sufficiently! New products, new websites, new babies, new cats, new house, new vehicles, new everything... New lives! I hope you do not hold it against us! We will return!
January 1st, 2005
We just returned from seeing the "Official" production of GREASE touring through Honolulu! With Frankie Avalon no less (no, he wasn't "with" US, he was part of the show)! And it was great fun! Before the gig got underway they had a dance contest for people dressed up like greasers. There was a handicapped guy who had the time of his life. You could tell he spent hours honing his act before getting on that stage! He did the whole "combing" the hair thing, Elvis leg tremors, twisting and shaking of the finger... We loved him! The only thing we can say about the show right now is that Sandy (or the actress portraying her) must have skipped professional voice training. We have never heard anyone so off key. TIP: Louder is not better, in tune is better. Rizzo... Loved her... Danny, great job! Frankie... More Frankie! Rock and roll! Afterwards we went to Sam Choy's (where we previously hoped his place would flood with toilet water for bad service) and got redeemed. What a great meal!
Lemmon's Oil