February 25, 2005
I cannot help it, but who knew it would be going so well? In less than three months my message board has officially crossed 30,000 posts and people there are winning free product for helping us reach the milestone... THANK YOU! While we have over 300 members and that doesn't seem like a lot, we have been learning as we go along and made mistakes that deleted over 100 accounts (it will never happen again, I promise), so we would have over 400 accounts if it weren't for our blunder! The thing is, the only plug this board gets happens to be right here, so "400" members isn't bad if you ask me, and ALL of them are posting... Ok, come join the site and introduce yourself to everyone (you have 24 hours to join in or be deleted, no lurkers allowed): CLICK HERE
AND... Before I forget... Asia is experiencing contractions galore! Any day! Apparently ahead of schedule but that is fine by us. Hey, do you want to see the World's Most Beautiful Woman... Pregnant... Be aware, there is a little booby showing here, do not peek if you are easily offended by a glowing, half naked, woman... CLICK HERE
February 21, 2005
Why do only one set per exercise? If you are working to failure, doing only one set per exercise is actually pretty rough! The object is to find out how hard you can work on as few of exercises as possible and then simply stop to begin recovering. Fairly basic stuff! If the fatigue is setting in, go 20% lighter every other workout. You cannot go all out day after day. You need rest in between these types of workouts. This will give your nervous system, which cannot recover as quickly as muscle does, a rest. The lowered intensity holds on to new muscle tissue as it is healing. High intensity tears it down again. Rest allows it to recover. Repeat
You have got to time nerve and muscle recovery identically. You do this by determining what amount of exercise will not allow you to become sore. Soreness means TOO MUCH exercise. By doing just enough short of soreness you can always make progress. Yes, during the workout you should feel like Hell. The next day however, you should not feel as though you did much of anything. This is because you are normally recovered THE DAY AFTER the soreness subsides. Monitor this closely; the day after you do not feel sore, you go work out again. If it's too much, you can't possibly keep going again and again. Also remember, it's variety over time, not day to day that garnishes the greatest results. Stick with a diet and workout program for at least a couple of weeks before changing it.
NOTE: Avoid taking aspirin or other painkillers before a workout. It camouflages pain and you won't know when enough is enough. As far as a low back goes, you may not need a belt if you avoid throwing weights around but you do need gloves to keep your hands soft.
February 18, 2005
On top of everything else, I am putting together my All-New magazine for the news stands... The websites that support it are currently featuring a "Best Of" all our old articles and interviews... To refresh you, I put together a magazine a few years ago called, "You Gotta Read This," and it was such a success that not only did it reach #1 for Entertainment News Magazine on most search engines, but it saw itself in print 16 times over the next 4 years. After moving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles I planned to do a new edition but met my wife, fell in love, and put it off... And put it off... And put it off... Until now. Back in the States, it is time! The first issue will be a special issue because we not only changed the title to PIZZAZZ Magazine (CLICK HERE) but it features mostly submissions from my message board members (CLICK HERE)! We are following the same format: No ads, all content and FREE wherever it is carried... Coming Soon...
Enjoy some free recipes I whipped up for you:
~ Barbecued Chicken ~
5 boned and skinned chicken breast halves -- (5 to 6)
1 small onion -- chopped
1 can tomato paste -- (6 oz.)
1 large clove garlic -- minced
2 tablespoon Worchester sauce
2 tablespoon vinegar -- I use cider
1/4 cup pickle relish
1/4 cup red wine -- or white
1 teaspoon salt
1 tsp. dry mustard
Mix all sauce ingredients. Pour over chicken breasts in crock pot. Cook at low for 5-6 hours.
~ Low-Fat Wild Rice ~
14 1/2 ounces vegetable broth, or fat-free chicken broth
1 cup water
1/2 cup wild rice
1/2 cup white rice
1 1/2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms
1 clove garlic -- minced
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 pinch saffron
1/2 cup chopped green onions
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
2 teaspoons lemon zest
1 strips lemon zest
flat-leaf Italian parsley sprigs
1. In medium saucepan bring chicken broth and water to boil over medium heat. Add wild rice. Simmer, covered, over low heat for 25 minutes.
2. Uncover. Add white rice, mushrooms, garlic, salt, and saffron. Bring to boil again. Cover. Simmer 20 minutes or until rice is tender and most of liquid is absorbed.
3. Remove from heat. Stir in green onion and parsley. Cover and let stand 10 minutes. Just before serving, stir in lemon zest. Garnish with strips of lemon zest and sprigs of parsley.
February 15, 2005
I have been getting emails reminding me that I am getting lazy in my old age. Apparently you take notice when I fail to send out my monthly newsletter on time. Folks, I am trying to keep up, I swear! But if you remember, I mentioned previously that I probably would be dropping my monthly mailings. Too many people are losing mail through faulty spam filters and others are failing to let us know if their email addresses have changed. Imagine sending out 400,000 emails and getting 100,000 notifications of bounced accounts! Talk about a server nightmare! OK, here is news and/or an announcement for those of you wanting to strut your results off...
Listen up, my loyal subscribers, and loyal readers (wink), I want you to enter one of the contests posted on the following site... If you place in the Top 5 of any division, I will personally award you with a full year supply of supplements courtesy of Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW. And all you need to do to qualify for this prize is to get yourself on my 30 Day Starter Kit. No kidding, that is all. But if you really want to do well, at least pick up a copy of my "Book Two" because it contains the exact diet all my competitors start off with (that means there is no need to hire a dime store trainer who doesn't even look the part to get you ready)... Well... Are you ready? Check out the events HERE and get your goodies HERE
You know what? I will tell you "what" - If you merely enter the show and are a previous customer of mine, I will send you a month supply of goodies for sending me photographic proof that you are representing the KNOW HOW. How is that for support?
February 10, 2005
What is new on the "other than fitness" front? I wrote a story about a coroner who hates Black people but hates those who defend them even more. The villain creates a virus that kills people by having them die with an undetected disease similar to sudden death syndrome in children while seeking revenge on those he felt betrayed him somehow. The person he really is after currently works for a Black U.S. Presidential candidate whom, after all is said and done, might be up to something sneaky himself. His running mate is an American Indian who has plans of his own as well. In fact, his name, in Indian, translates into, He who rises to the top. The heroes are a team of bounty hunters that get little to no support from the government nor local law enforcement while trying to piece it all together.
February 8, 2005
QUESTION: Can I eat high sodium fish and drink some extra water to flush out the salt?
DON LEMMON: No, water and sodium aren't related past the holding effect you referred to regarding water. Eating higher than normal amounts of sodium if you like is fine but don't run around telling people with high blood pressure it's ok. They will get scared and not listen to anything else you tell them because their doctors have them brainwashed. Your body requires sodium. And water too. But it's not so much an issue when you eat the right foods separate from one another.
February 4, 2005
Unfortunately, I have caught wind of news that may affect my herbs and glands (two products I carry exclusive blends of). According to sources on the inside that have been where they are for over 50 years, the Ultimate Herbal Formula and Glandular Complex could fall victim to some FDA changes come August 1, 2005. This is not a scheme to sell product that is seeing it's last few months of availability, and it is more than a rumor despite the details changing daily (more will come as I uncover it)... Word on the street is that American, European and Japanese companies and lobbyists have sued not only their own governments but various pharmaceutical corporations for the right to keep the bills killing the industry one item at a time from passing legislature. The truth is, despite the hype, the paperwork hasn't made it to high enough levels in Congress but it will if the lawsuits fail. Big Brother be damned!
February 1, 2005
Would you like a website? For only a few bucks we can make one, put it online, host it for a year and then you can go out and get business cards made with the address on them. Imagine passing out cards that say, "To see how I lost 20 pounds eating like a horse, visit: www.MySite.com!" In time, people check it out and even if they decide to visit my site after going to yours, if they order within 90 days, you still get credit for the sales! We have something called a "cookie" that is attached to your visitor's browser when they enter your affiliate site. It tracks their surfing for three full months before deactivating itself, pretty wild, right? If just one sale on the average per month comes in, your investment is more than covered. If you already have a website, then what are you waiting for? There is no investment! CLICK HERE
Glandular Therapy Complex