March 30, 2005
Asia and I went to eat in Zion last week. We shared a Cobb salad and grilled buffalo, some really nice stuff... Upon leaving, I asked for a bag to take my rolls which were 1/2 pumpernickel and 1/2 rye of all things... I had to try them later... And the waitress asked, "Are you on a food separation diet?"
I was surprised but took it all in stride, "Don't you mean food combining?" She shook her head... "No, I mean food separation. Proteins and fats are eaten at one meal, and carbs at another." Holy cow! I didn't tell her I was Don Lemmon of course, but I certainly left there feeling all smug...
You see, before I built my website and brought my program to the net, I searched for ages looking for something to call my eating plan. Food combining does not exactly cover what I do. My system is based on many parts of other things as well. However, "Food Separation" worked...
So, I looked it up on AOL and all I found were mechanical food separation machines used to rip bones from meat, skin from chickens, and some other commercial uses for the term "food separation." None of it was "The KNOW HOW" as I saw it.
My point is, I am who coined the phrase Food Separation for dieting and to hear a stranger mention it in of all places, Zion, Utah, wow, that is so cool! I feel like my entire 7 years of hard work paid off by that very comment!
Geeze, "food separation," so simple... Yeah baby!!
March 23, 2005
Alright, because I do this every year, there is a new book out... Book Three, our log book and diary called REFUSE TO FAIL, is available for the first time ever in paperback (click here). For a limited time only you can get a copy of this "parody" diary I wrote pretending to be on my own diet for fat loss for just $20.00 by sending a check in U.S. funds to the address on my order form (FREE SHIPPING IF YOU ACT NOW): CLICK HERE
If that isn't cool enough to chill your bones, if you order more than $40.00 of KNOW HOW products off this site, you get BOOK THREE FOR FREE! Just email me: "HEY DON, I WANT BOOK THREE FOR FREE!" As usual, I aim to please! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! (THIS SPECIAL IS OVER) And you know what else? Our message board has nearly 10,000 posts in just 3 1/2 weeks of being online (click here)...
March 19, 2005
Q: How do I build bigger shoulders using side lateral bumbell raises?
A: First, lift them right. Hold two dumb bells face down at your lap with your wrists locked straight. From there, raise them up slowly out to your sides at shoulder level or to a palms up, arms semi straight position with your elbows as high as your shoulders. Either way, keep your arms/elbows/wrists in a semi straight or locked position and chest spread out as much as possible. Pause for a moment then return to the beginning by lowering gently. Repeat. Have other dumb bells weighing twice the weight you are already using down at your feet waiting. Keep breathing deep into your lungs each rep. Secondly, after side laterals, reach down and grab the dumbbells you will use to perform standing military presses with. Keep note of how much weight you used and how many reps you performed after each session.
March 15, 2005
Last Friday was really exciting. As soon as Asia passed out after delivery, I drove home (just 3 miles away) and loaded photos from the delivery to our message board.
I cannot begin to tell you how proud of this woman I am. She gave it her all for 60 hours and out came our 21 inch, nearly 9 pound, bundle of joy. How has that been going? Having a baby around the house for the first week has been wonderful...
We could hardly sleep the first couple of nights, sure, but... All we wanted to do was sit around and stare at her, crying... Us crying, 24-7.... Tears of joy! She truly is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me (next to my wife, without her, no baby) and we are happy as happy can be! And let me add again, Asia has been remarkable.
Her eating and exercise during the pregnancy not only gave us a large baby but one with a full head of hair and the physicians found it hard to believe how responsive she was. Tuesday's checkup went even better. Our new family physician is a cool guy from Texas that we can tell loves his work. We could not be happier with him either.
Ok, on to news from the Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW front, I have some general info that concerns my supplements, an update of sorts. The way it looks now, I will not be affected by the codes causing Europe to panic over vitamin and mineral regulation.
It seems some lobbyist has officially and successfully sued and won a case to keep the U.S. free of seeing bills passed in Congress that allow us as members of the UN to accept European food laws. At least that is the word for now. I am also told this may change within 10 years, so who really knows?
It is good news today whatever way you slice it up. In other news, the hardbound edition of Book Four: Personal Training Certifications will be on it's way to my warehouse within the month. I am really excited about that because it addresses not only the medical industry but the entire personal training world as well.
If you want control over your own health, you need to consider this book. Look here for the release date...
About my ALL-New PIZZAZZ magazine.... There will be zero ads, that's correct, zero advertisements taking away from the content. Yes sirree, nothing but content and fun for a mere SASE to deliver to your home if you want copies. How cool is that? Alright, the baby is needing a diaper change, "Super Dad Don Lemmon" to the rescue! Here is how the content currently stands (the names of some people here are based upon their message board usernames)...
March 10, 2005
Most people do not realize that organ meat at one point in time was the prize part of the kill. The King would have the organ meats brought in and fried up for him and have the meat from muscle thrown to the wolves, dogs or to the peasants. He wasn't eating the meat for his protein sources. Organ meats contain a lot more nutrients in them than you think they do. For the person that craves the hot dog every now and then, have it and throw some cheese on it. Eat your hot dog but without a bun. Of course you want something low in nitrates. But sometimes things made from the leftover parts of animals aren't that bad for you. Preservatives are always a concern. And sometimes the drugs farmers feed their livestock cause tumors in the organs so look out for that too. For more: CLICK HERE
March 8, 2005
When it comes to supplements so few companies are credible and you really do get what you pay for. I can't go up and down the list of who are the cons and how to read right through the false ads but I will promise you one thing. Anything you see me endorse, you know DAMNED well it works. I have a nutrition plan 100% against the grain of the industry. I have more celebrities and physiques stars involved with me than any other PAID and endorsed system out there. Sure people are paid for their time and effort (I am NOT a jerk who uses someone else's image and time to profit while they starve). But being paid to take time off from work and family is one thing and believing in what they say and who they say it for...sincerity cannot be bought. I know for a fact one of the girls working for one of the biggest selling products EVER literally broke out in hives every time she touched their products. So don't talk to me about the sincerity of the company itself. If you want the truth, ask me. If you want patted on the back, told that I understand and everything will be 'just fine' and keep using this or that, go back to bed. You're still dreaming. For more: CLICK HERE
March 5, 2005
After 54 hours of labor, 8 hours of rest and 30 minutes of delivery, guess who is coming to dinner... Catalina Lemmon! OMG! It is a GIRL!! Well, we knew that much really, but we are so over the top with love and excitement, what can I say? It is about time! For more info and loads of pictures, check out the "Members Fun" forum at our message board. It is FREE... Besides, you can also mingle with other Know How clients... CLICK HERE

And in celebration, our Annual $19.95 Sale is ON! And on for as long as it needs to be! We are celebrating! All books and supplements are NOW ONLY $19.95! There is NO LIMIT but TIME! You are saving between $5 & $15 per item but it will not last much longer than the time it takes to settle into our new baby raising lifestyle! CLICK HERE
March 1, 2005
Asia's labor began today. Let me post something from my archives as not to miss a blogging. We are excited! Baby coming! Baby coming!
Have you ever spent extra money to purchase a 'higher-quality' health food or vitamin product, only to discover some time later that it wasn't all it was claimed to be? It has happened more than once. The most common experience believe it or not is with a line of vegetable oils sold in health food stores and co-ops. The attractively labeled bottles are touted for their special processing techniques which imply low temperature treatments and the superiority and quality of their product. I had used canola oil for many years (like many nutritionists promote) until I researched for information on a certain company's oils. I was shocked to find out that the "cold-pressed" and "lightly refined" canola oil was subjected to the same high temperatures (450°-500° Fahrenheit, or 232°-260° Celsius) and most of the chemical processing steps suffered by regular grocery store oils! I just told them how much I enjoyed their products and asked how they treated them. WOW. The only difference was that they didn't use chemical solvents to extract the oil from the seeds or add preservatives or defoamer. Disappointed, yet determined to find a source of healthy oils, I wanted to know more about what I was eating. This article is the culmination of that exploration, and I will provide you with all the information you need to make healthier selections of foods and oils as well. For more, please visit Lemmon's Oil
Don Lemmon's Know How Book Three