April 23, 2005
The weather has become so amazing that we are headed out on our 5th hike in 10 days this afternoon. I have also traded in the time I want to spend lifting weights for more energy towards my Boot Camp Workout (see Book Two) so I can get even more sunshine. Moving to Utah has been a dream come true for us. But how much do you want to bet we move before Catalina is 5? Asia and Don Lemmon are nomads
I am officially in the works with Teeccino founder Caroline MacDougall on my own special blend of Coffee Replacement. It will contain protein, mix perfectly with cream, be extremely low carb and while it tastes like the best coffee ever, it will contain no addictive substances. Hey, we could all benefit by giving our livers, nervous systems and adrenals a break by switching over once in a while. You know it, I know it.
April 18, 2005
You asked for it, you got it, more snips and clips from the books I am writing that have nothing to do with fitness. This one is taken from Gern Blanston, the story of a boy raised in a troubled environment that comes out no worse for the wear. It is a dark, dark comedy that is right up there with Something About Mary... The main character got his name from a Steve Martin comedy routine and this particular piece of work was even mentioned on Steve's official website...
From infancy to age four Gern had lived in a small trailer in a large town. When the family moved, it was into a house but in a smaller town and located behind a popular nightclub called Rendezvous' but closer to George's work.
It was a nice and cozy little neighborhood for a growing young family such as his during the day, but not at night. This is when George was asked to work a midnight shift exclusively so the kids could be neglected and Rosa could party it up.
Gern loved this arrangement as he barely saw his mother at all and he loved his neighborhood more. If it weren't for being forced to go to school, he would have never known about this world that he had been living in for the past year.
Down the street there lived another family who also had two little boys. Somewhat older, Gern and Gervis both looked up to Todd and Rodd. They were much like Eddie Haskell from Leave It To Beaver or Butch from the Little Rascals. Always up to something but always sweet to the adults.
Across from Gern's new house lived a man who weighed at least 500 pounds and had all the walls inside his home removed so he could walk from one end to the other unobstructed. He was known as Gargantua, a name he took from his days in pro wrestling. Gargantua was a nice man but rarely bathed himself or his one pair of overalls. Behind Gern's home was an older couple that had a much taller and wider house. They said if the world ever flooded, their house would float.
Inside the house, it was life as usual. Rosa only allowed Gern a maximum of 5 minute showers and told the boy to keep the fan vent going only one minute before and 3 minutes after each washing to supposedly save electricity. Anytime Gern would go over the allotted time limit, his mother would start banging on the door like Jack Nicholson did with an axe in the Shining.
Rosa never did this to Gervis. He was again the Golden Goose. Rosa may have lost site for a spell but having time alone with the Goose reminded her, Gern was the target. Over time, the showering situation frustrated Gern and sometimes he wouldn't answer the door after his 5 minutes were up.
Rosa went mad and resorted to going outside the house to begin banging on the bathroom window while standing in the yard on a stool. When that failed to work, she would start yelling at the top of her lungs, "Get the Hell out of the shower you little brat! Open the God damned window! What is the matter with you? You are going to get it when your father comes home you little bastard!" This came to an end when Gargantua came by to ask Rosa to please keep the noise down.
From that day forward, Gern was forced in both summer and winter to keep the bathroom window open all the way as soon as he stepped in the bathroom. Not only could Rosa scream for him to get out when the time came, but she could get in by climbing through it to yank the boy out herself if he extended his stay.
For more: CLICK HERE
April 11, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Don Lemmon are having the time of their lives raising their little elf. Here she is, officially one month old, weighing in at probably 12 pounds, sitting upright and letting us tie her blanket around her head like a doo-rag... She is bright, alert, strong, rolls over, and screams as loud as the lead singer of Stryper! She is breast feeding of course, momma gets her shake made from our Complete Protein Powder and Lemmon's Oil each morning, and twice a day momma gets her Perfect Vitamin, Glandular Complex and Ultimate Herbal Formula. And guess what? The doctor thinks Catalina is one of the finest specimens he has ever seen! Talk about proud! While there have certainly been bouts of fussiness, as soon as we tweak the food intake versus the supplements, she is fine all over again. Parenthood is fantastic. I recommend you all get a kid one day
. Builds character!
April 2, 2005
Food Separation by Kristi Lees
Life is a puzzle. Every day we strive to put the right pieces together to create the most complete picture. Some days we get it, other days it seems impossible to even find the corners let alone two pieces that fit!
Diet plays a large role in this puzzle. Finding the correct menu balance, fitting together the right pieces, can affect many aspects of your life. Energy levels, stress, sleep patterns, complexion, health and overall vitality are all major factors affected by the foods put in your mouth. By eating the right types of food in the most appropriate combinations, or rather by separating your foods from each other correctly, you can greatly enhance your digestion, your health, your life. The great thing about food separation is that it can be applied to any diet you choose to follow whether it is: high protein, low fat, vegetarian, gluten free or any other of the vast array of diets being promoted today.
So the question now is, what pieces go where? As nature has it, there are three main food groups: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In their natural, unadulterated state carbohydrate based foods are low in both protein and fat. Protein based foods on the other hand have certain amounts of fat present and contain little to no carbohydrates. If we can observe this law in the kitchen we can save ourselves a lot of digestive discomfort and retain more energy to make it through the many trials and tribulations of everyday life.
According to America's #1 online nutritionist, Don Lemmon, the body only knows how to process foods as they come in nature. By simply following this natural pattern and allowing the body to recgonise which type of food it is eating (carb low fat or protein with fat) miracles can happen. When you force someone to do something against their will, they might do as told but they do not like it. Ask them to do it often enough and they will quit on you, says Don. The same thing can be said for the digestive system, if it is forced day after day to exceed its limits, sooner or later something is bound to give in.
The body is designed to have balance, not confusion. If you allow it to do things most efficiently (with the help of food separation) everything comes out better. So to clarify, low/no fat carbohydrate meals or moderate fat protein meals are what we are striving for to create the most effective balance and the most efficient digestion.
The fundamental rule here is that simple meals are easier for the body to digest. Too much elaborate food not only causes digestive disturbance, it also encourages even the strictest dieter to overindulge. Consequences of such episodes can result in: bloating, gas (or both) caused by food fermentation in the gut, lethargy due to the increased amount of energy being directed to the digestive process, decreased nutrient assimilation as well as release of toxic by products into the blood stream. All things best avoided if we are striving for an optimally running body, a stable weight and enhanced health.
Here is an analogy that Don shared with me, If you went to work spending your days cleaning up messes instead of having an efficient and regular schedule, you fall behind and cannot possibly get everything done. You become stressed and issues build up as things are never taken care of because you assume someone else will handle them; issues that if you let go too long only get worse because it was your job, not anyone elses, to tackle. By separating the food groups accordingly you can help assist the digestive schedule by making it more effective and allowing it to work so efficiently that it will no longer need the help of other organs or extra energy to do its job. When the digestive process is impaired, other organs are often called in to help clean up the mess, (particularly the liver) placing greater stress on all of the body's systems.
Food separation assists in the upkeep and function of not only the digestive system but of the whole body, The body works best when all the fuels are supplied and the motor is kept clean, adds Don. This way of eating is a great way of keeping the motor clean.
Some people seem to be less affected by poor food combination choices than others due to a stronger digestive system. But just because you may not feel the immediate effects as some people do, it is important not to take your digestive system for granted. It does a lot of work so the least we can do is make its job as easy as possible.
The first thing a person notices besides looking differently in the mirror after a day or two (yes, that fast) is that they aren't belching or tooting from their backsides as often remarks Don. Food doesn't seem to sit in the belly all day long like it used to. These are all signs of enhanced digestion and enhanced digestion will inevitably lead to greater health.
Don Lemmon's Know How Book Four