May 30, 2005
Wow, I cannot believe it is already Memorial Day... My family and I moved to Utah just a few months ago and now Summer begins today! Well, Summer begins today for me anyhow. Memorial Day to Labor Day is technically Summer, right? Kids are out of school, the sun is out, it is time to be in shape or look silly at the beach... Which reminds me, maybe some of you would like to take advantage of our Annual Book Sale today.
For a limited time only, you can get either Book 1, Book 2, Book 3 or Book 4 for ONLY $15.00 each! Now, remember, this is MAIL ORDER ONLY. You cannot order online and ask for a discount. Simply drop a check in the mail for $15.00 (plus a buck for shipping) and send it to the following address. I will personally get the book you selected mailed out the same day:
Don Lemmon
Suite 2-144 875 West Redcliff Drive
Washington, Utah 84780
(Please include $1.00 for S&H)
And on another note: I have officially been asked to judge a Novemebr 12, 2005 Bodybuilding, Fitness & Modeling Show at the Alladdin Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Despite being a judge and not being able to play favorites, I want to remind you that if anyone chooses to attend, participate, compete or wants to work my booth that weekend, there are FREE supplements available if you actually follow through and show up! I am completely serious! If you are an existing customer, have gained results by following the program and we have you on record, let me know you are coming and a varied amount of a little or a lot of FREE SUPPLEMENTS will be waiting for you! Come on down, strut your stuff!
May 28, 2005
I am finishing up a book on the real Dr. Frankenstein. believe it or not, the Frankenstein story of which you are familiar with is based on another real person whose technology was so far ahead of his time that our medical services still provides and uses many of them today. Once we have studied the facts behind the Frankenstein legend, it becomes self-evident that it is not an imaginary legend and it is not a myth. Many elements are totally verifiable and some not so, but the obvious lays right before us.
Take the electrodes used for making muscles twitch on physical therapy patients, or the more powerful electric shock therapy used for reviving heart attack victims. Both of these procedures belong to a very real Baron Von or “Dr. Frankenstein” if you will. And what about growth hormone injections which are used for anti-aging purposes by the rich and famous to try and keep themselves young today? These discoveries were his…
This mad scientist Dr. Frankenstein, lived to be well over 150 years old and this was almost 300 years ago. He used many bodily fluid concoctions to not only prolong his own life but along with his secret knowledge of the human body gained along the way, he was able to also revive dead animals and eventually on several other occasions, dead people. One of his subjects only lived for a few weeks before dying again.
Another was unfortunately dependent on the various hormones the doctor extracted from elsewhere, and unless injected into him on a daily basis, he withered away. Another Frankenstein monster was dependent on being plugged into a homemade electrical generator to maintain that ‘soul' flow we all possess. No, he wasn't a robot, he simply required full time “therapy” the first several days of his life and this is when the doctor caught on to what was required to maintain a life force. Eventually his creations became fully independent. This is how the legend gets to us folks.
Why haven't you heard of this already? Much of the information presented here has been suppressed for centuries, but some of it is easily found with a little research, and some of it took some serious digging. Depending on the source of your findings, the spelling may vary, but the REAL Dr. Frankenstein's name was Johann Conrad Dippel.
The place he called home was in fact the now infamous Frankenstein Castle, hence the name of the book - which we discover was not a tale Mary Shelley pulled out of thin air. You didn't think Mary Shelley came up with the title from thin air did you? This tale is much more than a work of fiction. We are in fact dealing with something so real it borders on being surreal.
For more: CLICK HERE
May 23, 2005

May 19, 2005
Those who know the Don Lemmon diet and method well can edit or correct or add non promotional or non copywritten information to the brand new WikiPedia entry I just discovered in my honor. Anything that is copywritten such as the material in the book or from my sites though must have my permission to be included. Check it out!
May 16, 2005
We just got back from Vegas, a town I lived in almost eight years between mid-1992 and mid-2003. I loved it then but Vegas has changed. When I first moved there, you could zip across town in a matter of minutes despite the hotels being sold out. You could go to a great buffet, pay, get right in and eat. And even better, you could breathe the air. Catalina gasped and cried the entire time, Asia and I had headaches almost as soon as we got out of the car and the traffic... It has gotten way beyond ridiculous. I took a helicopter ride in 1994 and the view from the Stratosphere now shows 4 times the growth. Vegas officials claim the population has only doubled but with several dozen new mega hotels, the millions of tourists lurking around every single day... On a 5 mile plot of land
This isn't Babylon anymore, it is HELL
May 12, 2005
I've been asked to judge a bodybuilding and fitness show this August 20, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. If you are interested in attending, competing or working my booth for the day, drop me a line HERE
We will get to hang out for part of the day, we will go to the gym for a training session, go over your diet, and GET FREE PRODUCT... Speaking of FREE PRODUCT... We have a Transformation Contest going on at my message board right now. We interviewed 24 potential candidates to receive the same diet and training info my movie star, fitness, modeling and bodybuilding clients pay up to $3000 a pop for... NO KIDDING.... 16 people made the cut and the Top-12 get themselves not only the fringe benefits of this sort of project but their own websites to promote their success, and much more. We will run this competition probably twice, maybe three times a year from now on (unless it gets boring, which I highly doubt)... Imagine, all that for simply being a member of my message board, having read Book One and passing a simple interview...
Check it out: CLICK HERE
May 9, 2005
Happy Mother's Day everybody (well, yesterday anyhow)! I have taken a whole new perspective on the tasks mothers tackle since watching the love of my life fawning over our new baby. I am pretty sure this is the only one we will be having but if we had two, I couldn't have picked a better woman to have them with. God, she is great...
We have started Board Member Journals at our message board (Lies & Propaganda). Not only that but I just gave away FREE PRODUCTS to over TWO DOZEN online clients who are maintaining their results, talking about the success, working through the habits they've had to break, all for the other members to learn from. I invite you to drop by and join in the fun, which is also FREE. Each month, if you have an active thread, posted before and after photos, and at least own a copy of Book One, I give away rewards for your efforts... To see what's happening: CLICK HERE

May 7, 2005
Some message board members are working on something I think you will like and I even wrote a dedication for it (and promised to publish)...
How often have you heard or used the phrase, "It's just common sense?" If you are like myself, you have probably either heard or used those words more times than you can count. However, if something is "common" sense then why do people so often fail to see it? In this day and age it seems as though sense is not as common as people say. For instance, when someone orders a coffee from a restaurant, it is common sense to believe the coffee is going to be hot. This in turn should lead one to the common understanding that hot liquid can burn flesh. However, as you are probably aware, a lawsuit was filed and in fact won based on the fact that a proprietor did not label the coffee cup with the phrase, "Contents May Be Hot." How could a person who be knowledgeable enough to earn a drivers license and yet not know that coffee is hot?
This is in regards to living your life using common sense. For more: Basis of Being
May 5, 2005
We have just returned from seeing Stephen Chow's "Kung Fu Hustle." This movie was amazing! The special effects were all done tastefully; no strings were visible, no Hidden Dragon fake looking flying nonsense... This was a classy film, full of all sorts of gags and tricks no one expects walking in. If you haven't seen it, you should
This is also the first theater movie we have taken our baby to. Of course we sat with no one around so Asia breast fed her, but not a peep... If you have a child, you know the thrill of having a quiet child. In fact, at lunch, another couple sat a few tables behind us with quite the brat. Catalina was in her car seat, sleeping as I rocked her and ate... Our Angel
How embarrassing for that other couple. Oh yeah, finally, Cat's official website is open too: CLICK HERE.
May 2, 2005
"Don, I have made massive improvements in my traps. I went from shrugging 250 to 375 in a month. My forearms have not caught up and I'm not able to grip much heavier. What do I do?"
REPLY: I would just stop doing shrugs, especially if you can shrug more than you squat or bench. Traps are worked on all upper back movements, so what you have built up now will remain once you quick, but if you still want big traps, consider at least waiting until the rest of you catches up. There is nothing sillier looking than a guy with a big neck and no other muscle groups that compare in size. Actually, there is nothing sillier looking than a guy who gets big all over, then stops wanting to be so big, cuts back on his training, but is stuck with the big neck... I am one of them. Laughs...
Don Lemmon's Know How Book One