June 27, 2005
I haven't posted a mindless rant in a while so let me do so now. I was recently asked why I do not boast of my professional or educational backgrounds on this site. The answer is simple enough. What makes me any better than the people I expose if I claim the same learning principles? I hope you realize that just because someone has a certification or a degree in this or that, it doesn't make them qualified to dispense advice on the subjects I have covered (nor the ones they claim expertise in either). I cringe at the thought some trainers are employed at all, let alone that a doctor of literature is taken seriously as a fitness author.
If you put faith in this sort of system, then I am fairly certain you also believe what you read in magazines or hear in the news about eating and exercise too. Sorry, but guess what... You're been misled. By who? The doctors, nutritionists and trainers or whomever is handling the marketing of your favorite fitness products. These folks just want you scared of their position enough that you do not question their authority and... Buy! Buy! Buy!
They get away it because they know you're desperate enough to believe and willing to try anything to see results if told the right things. All I am saying is that the fitness industry is hardly run by professionals with any real qualifications and even the people with credible backgrounds rarely practice what they preach or look the part. This industry is run by people trying to make a buck or two off of those who believe everything they are told.
If you believe Meal Replacement Bar or Fat Burner companies are 100% honest with you, you probably believe Britney Spears sings her own songs in concert or the Backstreet Boys created their own dance moves. It doesn't matter if someone has a best seller, owns a magazine or does infomercials either. Pet Rocks were best sellers at one time too my friend, all due to marketing hype. Marketing that pressed your hot spots and promised to do what never ended up being fulfilled.
Yeah, yeah, surprise, surprise, you thought the people they hired to appear in white lab coats were really scientists and not actors. You thought the people you saw on late night TV were the prophets of our times and had all your answers for "3 Easy Payments Of $99.95" too. Wake up! They are for the most part clueless about your needs and just trying to sell you something. If you bought from a magazine or off television, trust me, you've been misled in one capacity or another by someone who recognized a "sucker" is born every minute.
The truth is, I put my system together to serve myself. I didn't write it for you or anyone else at least in the beginning. In fact, I hid what I knew for a long time and refused to share it because I didn't want anyone knowing my secrets. I liked being the fittest guy I knew. Now look at where things have gone and despite my taking things to a newer level, I refuse to become too commercial in the process. I am not selling out (as someone said about my showing the readers my new ad graphics) and you can be sure I will not use the same tricks the competition has to prove it. I do not want "suckers" to be my customers, I want the smart crowd in my corner. Thanks for listening... End of rant.
June 20, 2005
We have a new look for my product line, what do you think?
And as if that isn't good enough, look wait until you see the magazine ads!
June 17, 2005

Lemmon Grove is of course a fictitious town I created back in 1985. But Lemmon Grove is what introduced us to MEGA MAN. He was hardly a hero but he did his best! Mega Man's real name is Dr. Oswald Mega and he was just your average guy looking for a male enhancement formula until he created one of his own. After his life altering enhancement, he set out to make the world a happier place. After a quiet retreat into ridding the world of evil without taking credits for his actions, he discovered a video game company had trademarked his name. Other heroes never had this problem.
When Mega Man discovered his name was stolen by a toy manufacturer that wouldn't allow him to call himself what he had for years, he went into exile. At first, a Las Vegas vacation seemed like all he required but when people began criticizing him for taking a hiatus, he realized, no one really appreciated him. Not that being under appreciated comes as any surprise in modern society. When he started out, he was looking to become a "Mega" man, not Mega Man. But he took a hold the harness that was his new found power and decided to bring light to an otherwise dark world.
Unfortunately, the darkness was more than anyone anticipated. Why would you do such a thing to a guy who saves old women from purse snatchers, children from bullies and the on again off again love affair he had with protecting farm animals. In a freak laboratory experiment gone array, cover in a plasma which mixed with his original formula, Oswald injected himself out of desperation.
Overnight his ability to do normal things we take for granted in everyday life life being able to see your own feet, walk a flight of stairs without losing breath, and remembering your own name became a reality. What sort of hero was this guy? Not your conventional super hero. But he is still MEGA MAN and nobody is going to change that... For more Mega Man: CLICK HERE
June 12, 2005
QUESTION: Don, I'm wondering how other people following KH explain it to the friends. My wife and I throw a couple of big parties every year and because of this get invited out to other's for dinner, parties etc fairly often. A lot of my wife's friends are Asian and the conversation can often go like this.
Wife's friend: Hey JK, why are you only eating rice? Don't you like my cooking?
JK: Of course I like your cooking, but I've started this different way of thinking about food and a part of it is separating certain things.
Wife's friend: You're skinny, why are you on a diet?
JK: It's not really a diet. Just a different way of thinking about food. I'm actually trying to gain weight. This just happens to be one meal that I'm eating certain things away from others.
Wife's friend: Here, try my beef, chicken whatever. It's good. It will help you gain weight.
JK: I know it's good, I've eaten it here many times before, but not with this meal.
Wife's friend: Hey Mrs. JK, why doesn't your husband like my cooking?
See? This m akes it a bit hard to follow your program all the time. I eat right at home but am forced to forget about it when out at friends.
ANSWER: JK, here is how we would handle it...
Wife's friend: Hey JK, why are you only eating rice? Don't you like my cooking?
JK: I love your cooking and probably too much! I am now trying a system of eating foods separated because I wasn't happy with the way conventional cooking was putting fat on my midsection. Next time, ok?
Wife's friend: You're skinny, why are you on a diet?
JK: Diet is the term used to describe eating habits, not the goal of becoming skinny. I am certainly carrying less fat eating this way, thanks for noticing. I have also actually built up muscle at the same time too. Let me stick with this a while and see where it goes.
Wife's friend: Here, try my beef, chicken whatever. It's good. It will help you gain weight.
JK: I love your meats and I regret scheduling this meal knowing I would be at a party but I will need to wait an hour or so (in which time they forget to ask again) and then I can have the meat. Having meat with some foods together is what causes that pudge around the middle we all hate to get bigger.
Wife's friend: Hey Mrs. JK, why doesn't your husband like my cooking?
JK's Wife: Don't be silly, you fattened him up with your cooking. He loves it but doesn't he look great these days? I am so proud of him. And his muscles are bigger too, what a sexy man he is becoming!
JK: Yes, she did say I look skinny, nice compliment.
(And then go you back to eating...)
June 9, 2005
I was just reading lyrics written for my old band project, White Diamond. We were #1 at MP3.com for over a month once, pretty crazy. Check this out:
Lookin' back I'd say we broke a few rules…
And left a one or two hearts in ruin.
We spent a lot of precious time doin'…
Things we figured Motley Crue might have done.
We stole our own cars, but never got caught,
Then lost our minds in the scrimmage.
We got caught up in that image...
Of being young rebels by the handbook.
Looking back I guess I had an attitude...
But life can make you hard and tough.
Come on baby, we're gonna play here tonight.
It's gonna be alright, just watch us shine.
It's so funny how the times have changed…
We were gonna be Paul Stanley clones.
We skipped school to see Hard To Hold…
And sang KISS songs in the car on the way home.
We were gonna be like Roth and them…
With no compromising til the very end.
We lived for girls, guitars and glory…
Knowing someday I'd write the story.
There were times I cried for sympathy...
But I was brought up hard and tough.
It's so funny, here we are tonight.
It's gonna be alright. Let's have some fun tonight!
Come on baby, we've had some mud on our face.
But we're gonna have our place, when it's done.
We did real good for a band from Ohio…
But I think I'm ready for a wife and kids.
Maybe I'm still chasing whatever it is…
That got me out here to the west in the first place.
I can't count the times I've cursed out loud…
Wondering why we never found our sound.
Often times it could make you cry…
But now as the years rolled by.
It's so funny, here we are tonight.
It's gonna be alright, it's gonna be fine.
For more on the band and the film script, etc: CLICK HERE
June 6, 2005
BAD NEWS - LAST WEEK'S SALE HAS ENDED (insert sounds of discontent from crowd). I know, you liked the $15.00 Book Sale... But here's GOOD NEWS:
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Don Lemmon's Know How Nutrition Tips