July 25, 2005
I have been asked for photos of the gentleman who took pictures with supplements in his belt line to prove he was really once overweight. He is in a Transformation Contest found at my message board where 16 people are following the same diet for 9 weeks and tracking their results. Well, here you go:

We are doing nothing more than working to take in more calories than we burn so the body has something to build on from training. Once it begins building, then body then drops the excess of what it doesn't need, 99% of the time meaning fat. This is always true if the food eaten and other habits are clean. Another contestant started at over 300 pounds and is well on her way to losing 50 by week 9 and another has dropped her cholesterol from 250 to 170. The most common feedback over the first 2 weeks was that the contestants were always full. That is one of the keys to consider with our program. Under eating doesn't work for fat loss (you will lose muscle, not fat) and since you can eat a lot with us and look great, what would be holding you back right now?
The program they are on is similar to the one found in Book 2 - "The Ultimate Development" which is now on sale. I have a few boxes that we found in the garage and they are yours for just $12 a copy. We accept Checks & Money Orders in U.S. Funds ONLY and please add $4 USA or $8 FOREIGN per individual item ordered... This is FOR MAIL ORDER ONLY:
Don Lemmon @ Suite 2-144 875 West Redcliff Drive, Washington, Utah 84780
July 18, 2005
All summer long, something has been on fire in the mountains surrounding St. George, Utah (where we live). Asia takes it personally. Seems she has lived near or been followed by about three big fires over the past 10 years. They have been as close as her backyard, across the street and within a stone's throw. We just watched these current fires come up over the hillside about 10 miles away and in our direction. She has a couple of friends assuring her the fires are headed the other way but I suppose they can't see the red and orange crackling from Minnesota and L.A. The glow is definitely headed this direction. Oh well, I am sure as usual, the mighty fire department will get it handled, but I am just as sure another one will pop up in a week or so. I realize this is the desert but since that giant tidal wave last year, and the coinciding underwater earthquake that supposedly altered the globe's rotation, weather is simply bizarre. Wetter in winter, drier in summer... To be honest, I think I will just have a shot of whiskey and then try to settle the wife's nerves as she stares out the window wondering why we moved here from Hawaii. She is posting photos at our message board if you are interested: CLICK HERE
July 12, 2005
Bad habits are hard to break, that is the number one reason "diets" fail. The number two reason is that most "diet"s are designed to reduce your calorie intake, therfore you starve. Reason three, any "diet" will call for a schedule change and people love to whine and complain when it is time for change. As far as I see it, there is really only the best way to do things, not "better" and you should at least try making all of the changes required. That means, if you eat, eat right. If you have time to eat, eat. After that, working towards doing everything else will be your goal (like exercise protocol). No one can use any excuse whatsoever to escape the fact that whether it is 200 or 600 calories a meal, 1200 or 4000 calories a day, or eating 1 or 10 feedings every 24 hours... They are the ones to decide whether to put the right foods in their mouths to begin with or not. Funny how that works! Anyhow, the point is, you can never say I failed you, only YOU can fail YOU. I provide the map, you follow it, you reach your destination, we shake hands afterwards. Where? In Vegas, November 12, 2005 if you like. We are having a little Don Lemmon Client Appreciation Party. Email me if you want details or come join our message board: CLICK HERE
July 8, 2005
I released a book with a friend of mine that we wrote together called Planet Of The Gods around this time 3 years ago. My how time flies. Here is a sneak:
For you, my friend, all I can offer is a story and hope that you learn from it to build your faith from my words. You will require strength and knowledge if you truly want to help both myself and your fellow man. Now listen, there is little time
That day, standing on top of the tall hill overlooking our small village of humans were 1000 reptilian soldiers awaiting the word to move ahead with their attack. The signal would come from Pilius Salori, the chief officer of the reptilian army. We never had any sort of contact with reptiles before but realized the threat to our survival and they had not come in peace.
We saw them lining the top of the hill, their long limbs contrasting sharply with their thick torsos. Each held a pole arm with a long blade that ran half the length of the handle. We were uncertain why they were here, but the presence of such crude weaponry indicated bloodshed was likely. We waited, watching while being watched, and after several hours, the day began closing in on the night.
The sky was clear, meaning a bright moon, but our minds were hazy. The reptiles didn't care about the sunset; their tongues would smell us easily, making any attempt to hide futile. We gathered together toward the center of the village, terrified. It was a perceived protection, at best. Salori was watching, smiling to himself. He enjoyed the thought of cleansing the area of human trash.
Our deaths would be a problem solved for the lizards; however their superiors had a more pressing reason for this visit, to obtain something quite valuable. Still, for Salori, killing humans was reason enough to attend, damned be the prize. He glanced slowly side to side, surveying his troops. They were ready. Salori believed it would be a wonderful evening.
Salori was surprised when Mindell, the man who raised me, the leader of our village, appeared from seemingly out of nowhere behind the beast. Mindell was my father, and I could barely understand his bravery. Mindell was the most senior of the Uncles, and for as long as I can remember, he was whom everyone depended upon. With my Uncle on the hill next to Salori, the beast seemed humbled.
For more: CLICK HERE
July 6, 2005
I am judging a Bodybuilding & Fitness show in Las Vegas, NV on August 20th. Who here wants to either enter or attend? The offer of free products still stands for entering!
For more info: CLICK HERE
July 4, 2005
Radio Show Host Wyatt Cox

Has anyone here seen "Super Size Me" maybe on DVD or at theaters? I just did and I loved it. Oddly enough the star, Morgan Spurlock, covers a lot of what I have been saying here on the site for ages but since it was in film, people listen, go figure...
Still, I think this is a movie everyone should watch. Granted, he forces himself to eat like a dumbo for a month but he proves through medical testing that eating to get or become and remain fat is as bad as being a drunk.
The doctors were stunned at the disease factors because for years the media has said food is food... Medical schools have taught, food is food... But it isn't and he even gets the PR team for dozens of junk food companies to admit that they are paying the government to shut up about it.
That is correct, lobbyists are out there paying the government not to warn you about the true health hazards of eating fast food. Sure, we know it isn't the best for our human bodies but Morgan also had experts expose the fact that there are addictive substances in fast foods making matters worse.
Not just things that cause sugar rushes and caffeine which makes you high, but other components only found in processed cheese, hydrogenated lards, etc, and like I said, you heard it from me before...
Maybe if you watch this film you will listen to what else I have to say for a change because other experts back up the facts right before your very eyes.
However, I must admit, I couldn't help but to laugh at the Harvard nutrition consultant. He was at least 40 pounds overweight himself. Either way.... Fun film... Check it out...
Afterwards, come visit my message board at Lies & Propaganda (dot com) so you can see the 30 day results of our own study like these two members have experienced....
Canadian Graphics Artist Randy Smith

This guy has lost so much weight he can fit all of my supplements in his belt line!
P.S. I love my wife. Can you believe it has been 4 whole months since she brought our baby Catalina into this world? Yikes! Thank you Asia! You are the best mommy ever!
July 1, 2005
We have a new name for our product line, KNOW HOW Nutritionals. Did you know vitamins do not act alone inside of you? No. You CANNOT take them one at a time and expect anything but yellow urine to result. That's your vitamins exiting you. Tsk. Tsk. What a waste. Exactly what role does your health and progress play in your lifestyle? It is everything. Do you attack a flight of stairs with enthusiasm? Nope. Do you like what you see on the scale? No to that too. Is exercise an abused part of your lifestyle? My clients only workout 5 times every two weeks. Some for a total of an hour over that time frame. AND THEY SUCCEED. So I don't want your excuses. Are you unsure about your diet? Hmmm. Could you use more vitality? Even I could at times. Do you like what you see in the mirror? That's the kicker. Eating good but not getting nourishment could really set you back. If you continue to look after your health for the next ten years as you have looked after it for the last ten years, what can you look forward to? I for one am excited about my future. Would you benefit from a nutritional program customized to meet your needs? I sure have. I have found the solution to all your worries. I said... I have the solution! Whether your personal health goals include balanced nutrition and antioxidant supplementation, weight management, athletic activity or cardiovascular health, thousands World Wide will tell you KNOW HOW Nutritionals have the solution!
Complete Protein Powder