September 27, 2005
Asia and I are taking Catty to where she was conceived this week, Hawaii. While this is going to be a two week vacation for us, we are certainly going to take a mild look around for a seasonal home at the same time. We have decided that with the things we love about Utah, the things we love about Hawaii and the things we love about the wilderness where the Don Lemmon fitness resort is being built (Tennessee), splitting the year up in our 3 favorite spots simply makes a whole heap of a lot of sense. Utah can be my West Coast HQ, Tennessee the East Coast HQ and then why not, a center of business in Hawaii too!
Check Out The New Supplement Labels (Use The "Zoom In" Icon For Large Views)
Protein Powder - Multi-Vitamin - Essential Oil - Chinese Herbs - Animal Glands
This is a straight up simple and short plug for TJ Clarks minerals because if you buy from anywhere else, odds are you are buying from them anyhow and losing at least 60% of your quality after dilution and flavoring. Keep in mind, sugars and minerals do not mix, they block usage.
Dr Linus Pauling, 2 time Nobel Laureate said "Every sickness, every disease, every ailment can be traced to a mineral deficiency." The colloidal minerals I discuss come from the ORIGINAL and ONLY polyfloramin source ever discovered, the TJ Clark Mine. Considering TJ Clark has been in business 75 years, time tested purification processes alone are your assurance of purity.
The colloidal minerals that make up the TJ Clark formulas are pure, organic in nature and more readily absorbed so the body can use them more quickly and efficiently. They are ALL natural from start to finish. Not to be confused with metallic minerals obtained from pulverizing shale or rock. These minerals flow through a series of filters that clear the liquids of solids down at a microscopic level where the minerals can flow directly into bottles and be sealed.
The entire process is conducted by actually trained technicians, who monitor every step of the way in cleaner rooms than those used in the Space Agency! The purification process is so effective that no pathogenic microbe growth of any kind has EVER been found in ANY of TJ Clark's products in over 70 years. This is why you get a full supply of Polyforamin in our Perfect Vitamin
September 20, 2005
I had formulated a fat burner not long ago to prove that other companies are scamming you with their supposed products but couldn't get my manufacturer to put it together. Too many government regulatory changes this year... Anyhow, guess what... I found a company willing to go ahead and take the risk on certain ingredients, legal ingredients, but not for long... Why? While natural, they have drug like effects and no downsides. The medical field wants control. Who will make it? The same company that produces my protein powder, and we all know how perfect that product is... When will it be ready? Within 30 days....
240 Capsules, 2 taken 4 times a day with meals and these puppies are 10 times as effective as any of the other fat burners offered in magazines or stores in America ... Go ahead, once I post them, look up the individual prices for each ingredient... We have 30 different items in each capsule and I kid you not, individually the products would cost over $1000. What does that tell you about how much money these other companies scam you out of? My product beats the crap out of all those other placebos and not only has no side effects... And despite the fact I could easily sell this for $100.00 a bottle considering sells theirs for $80 or more with 30 less ingredients... Odds are I will sell this for $29.95 a bottle.
And just when you think that sounds cool... I have done it again... Something else I designed and tested long ago that will be released soon is a product I call Branched Chain Amino Acids + (plus sign) and that will be ready in 60 days.... 240 Capsules, 2 per 4 protein meals a day, depending upon body weight, as I plan to use more... This amino acid supplement is the ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND EVER to boast nearly THREE DOZEN PROTEIN COMPOUNDS... Per capsule!
I know, hard to believe and yet this is a supplement that contains over 30 amino acid and protein based ingredients including branched chain amino acids, essentials and more. In fact, this formula is almost 2/3 essential amino acids (and 1/3 special protein components that assist in the uptake of the other nutrients) which promotes more than just a positive nitrogen balance... It damn near stimulates the growth of muscle (once you exercise, this stuff knows exactly what to do for rebuilding that torn down tissue)! The only competition we have close to what we formulated is sold for $50 a bottle and I know for a fact that it is JUNK compared to what I am putting out.
If you used the Glandular Complex I sell, you know the results, but you haven't seen anything yet... Can you tell I am excited? Oh, I will sell this one too for half what the competitive price might be even though that only earns me $5 profit for all the hard work and research... Yep, that means these new aminos are the cream of the crop in quality. I paid top dollar for them. More coming soon...
September 13, 2005
I am constantly asked about a particular medical debunking website and today is no different. What is my opinion? First, keep in mind that the webmaster of the site in question was exposed last year in New York. He is a fraud. It was discovered in a courtroom that the "leader" of that site is NOT a retired Psychiatrist like he suggests, let alone an expert in any other medical field. He actually admitted under oath that he had never been Board Certified in any State or anywhere else in the world as a Psychiatrist for that matter.
In fact, what medical licensing the guy did have was revoked for "less than honorable" behavior. And in another lawsuit, the government of New Zealand declared officially that that website's writings are quote “propaganda, and (under typical conditions) of no evidentiary value” unquote.
I do enjoy SOME of the writings over there but I also enjoy UFO websites knowing darn well they are full of beans and hot air unless it is something they have to sell or a personal vendetta against...
Most things people say against alternative health care are based upon only three things. One, repeating what you were told or based upon a little bit of info that you can hardly call research and #2, having experienced for yourself. Now, if you have ever really tried some of these "quack" options and you stopped due to one bad incident, well, that is your problem folks.
That is much like never driving a car after getting confused by something the first outing. If you have attempted repeatedly to succeed and failed, maybe it is you doing something wrong, which brings us to #3 and one of my clients. He'd tinkered around for 30 years with nutrition, but soon after he applied my writings, viola (wah-lah), success... Just keep looking, that is what matters, never stop.
I find people who want to argue that an enema when you cannot empty on your own, a chiropractor when you have spine issues, or changing your eating habits even if you think you it is all about burning calories versus eating clean... People like that haven't really tried to make change, consistent change, and they might never.
Why fight not to empty your bowels? Why suffer through aches and pains?
People want to fight me uphill daily over these topics. Folks, at least look into what hydrogenated oils are. What artificial sweeteners do to you. Why genetically modified foods are not accepted by our bodies... Hell, at least know the difference between a carbohydrate and a fat before coming to argue. Maybe determine the difference between a bicep and a tricep if the subject revolves around exercise before wanting to debate.
If nothing else, admit to yourself that the knowledge you possess is limited, work on your ego before you speak, some people really do know better.... Being quiet is better than looking goofy.
I am guilty of slipping here and there but the thing that makes all better is reverting back to my own advice. Eat right, exercise regularly, avoid fake foods, drink more water, sleep longer, get my back tweaked, empty my bowels, and get fresh air.
Ask the supposedly drug free bodybuilder I exposed a few years ago for his drug use. Step on my toes often enough and I will get even. I have a reputation to uphold you know...
September 10, 2005
I was floored this morning. Nothing more flattering has showed up in my email address than this new website made by a client showing off his results while following the program. Simply the best my friend: CLICK HERE
Do you think that is as cool as I do? Like it or not, your diet accounts for more than 50% of not only your success but also your failure in any attempt to improve your health or appearance. You eat all the time! But do you know what foods are to be eaten with each other, separate from one another and at what meals do you eat them to avoid digestive complications? Do you only eat fat free? Do you only cut your carbs in half? Do you eliminate all carbs? Oh boy, are you in for an eye opener.
September 4, 2005
I am now 37 years old and my daughter is a full 6 months old. And what a day we had! We went shopping, swimming, Sunday Driving, and to the Outback for prime rib, shrooms, Caesar salad, lobster, steamed veggies and on the side, Johnny Walker Black on ice. Hey... I forgot to get grilled shrimp! Oh, don't worry, my wife helped eat some of this, I didn't just sit there and gorge all by my lonesome! Speaking of being all alone, the guy across from us sure wasn't. He was one of those now famous Utah Polygamists. He had 3 wives with him. You can tell who they are by the Pioneer-style dress. It really is quite fascinating. It is also quite a load of nonsense too. These people pretend to be 100% by the Book of Mormon but they stock up on all the things their church doesn't allow for when we see them at Wal-Mart. I suppose that is another story for another day. September 4th, 2005, I turned 37 and look forward to the next 37... Before I forget, our message board crashed at 108,000 posts. Can you believe that? All in all, it worked out, we are back up and running. COME JOIN
Don Lemmon's Know How Book Two