October 31, 2005
Asia made me dress like a lobster again for photos. Sure, she gets to wear a cool Winnine the Pooh costume, the baby ain't nothing but a hound dog, cryin all the time (while looking bored) and I, I look like a fool... Sigh... Happy Halloween folks, from Mr Family Guy.

October 25, 2005
As much as some of you are going to want to shoot yourselves, the new fat burner, Metabolic Prescription, is now $29.95 a bottle. It does appear that 240 capsules though will last you 2 full months. With that said, expect the price to become $59.95 a bottle of 240 capsules by January 1st, 2006. Another side note on something else is that the Lemmon Family is definitely moving to Los Angeles in 2006 to pursue opportunities afforded not only to myself, but daughter and wife... Interesting info to come on all of that... Let us finalize the details before saying anything further for now.
October 18, 2005

Like this new label MartinGroup Design has made for us? Well... Guess what is now available and in stock at my warehouse? Don Lemmon's Fat Burner! This supplement contains dozens of ingredients (things the most expensive competition cannot boast), is non-addicting (you do not need it forever to maintain results), caffeine-free (through other, less harmful stimulation), which gives you a boost while nourishing the body in a way that actually stimulates the burning of body fat! While some say it is just another fat burner, they are wrong. This is an EXCLUSIVE PRODUCT brought to you by none other than Don Lemmon and no one else... It is so unique, we are calling it a "Metabolic Prescription." You take one capsule per meal for up to 8 capsules a day. Most people see results with only 4 capsules a day. Like this guy:
"Don, I have been using your Fat Burner Supplement for 10 days, just 10 days. I have made no diet change, no exercise routine change, and yet I have lost a hair over 2 inches off my waist already. I am high on energy all day long and I love the way I feel. You're a smart man! I have been in the biz 20 years and seen nothing like these results."
For more on this brand new item today, including ingredients: CLICK HERE
October 16, 2005
Asia, Catty and I are back from Hawaii. We spent the first 5 days on the Big Island and the next 9 day on Oahu. I came home to a good 1200 emails to sort through and finally finished replying to all of them this morning. It was my first real vacation in 8 years. Sure, we could argue that my entire life is a vacation but I have never stayed away from the net for two weeks in a row since I first discovered it. I must admit, it was quite a relief to take that break. I missed working with my clients and friends online but I did need the getaway. For the first leg of our trip, we stayed with our friends Sharene & Harrison Klein who manage a boatload of properties all over the Islands.

For 3 nights we slept a stone's throw from an 800 feet deep piece of water that whales frequent. Another 2 nights we stayed in Kona and I assure you, there is no better coffee than fresh Kona. I know restaurants claim to sell fresh Kona coffee but here is the kicker... I am talking about fresh as in "days since it came from the ground" not "fresh" like, "We just brewed this pot here in Vegas." Big difference. We really liked Kona Joe's brand but there are no regrets in my mind that I had a few cups during our stay (I have been off caffeine for a while now). Make sure you visit Parker's Ranch too if ever in the area.

The final night we went snorkeling in a lagoon that sat 30 feet from where we ate dinner and not only sea turtles but Monk seals and the largest frogs on earth call home. If you have ever wanted to swim with seals, turtles larger than your arms can spread and see frogs that fear you not... If you ever want to actually stay at this particular spot, and you should, please visit the Klein's rental site Big Island Vacation Rentals.

Once we made it to Oahu though, things changed. We knew we were home. As wonderful as the Big Island proved to be (and we did see most all of the Island), Oahu is without a doubt the place we feel closest to in our hearts. Forget about where we grew up and have lived (Vegas, Hollywood, etc), we love it on this particular popular tropical paradise. I am wading through hundreds of photos to post and am having a hard time selecting my favorites, we did so much, so I hope you appreciate the few I have selected for starters.

My wife and I fell so madly in love with each other again and our daughter that we decided to throw away the birth control pills and work on Baby #2. If it is a girl, her name will more than likely be Aria Dawn, and if a boy, Donald Elvis (you think I am kidding but Asia wants to name him Huckleberry). One look at our little Catalina says it all. She is perfect. What a trip... No wonder we bought a time share on this fantastic voyage...

October 9, 2005
Once you learn how the body works and the many factors that affect your coping with average every day stress, the bigger problems like unforeseen trauma and what joint pain means to overall your health! There are things you just don't realize make all the difference. I met a man named Dr Gary Eversole way back in 1993. We had a mutual friend who was being treated by him. This friend came to me one day and said he had a doctor that was doing all these amazing things that allowed him to actually help himself, and become healthy without the use of drugs. I was very intrigued but I thought it was a cult! I finally went in to see him a few weeks later anyhow. Much to my surprise, this was a real doctor I was visiting. I hadn't seen one for a while and this one seemed confident he could teach me something, always being willing to learn, I went. What I knew about anatomy and everyday ‘normal' things we do to remain healthy changed in the matter of 20 minutes. Sure, you could think I mean I discovered I was toxic and required an overhaul, oil change, tune up and having your pipes cleaned but it was more enlightening than that. Dr Gary Eversole taught me in less than 30 minutes that health was within all our grasps and we can call all our own shots. He unfortunately didn't call all of his own and passed away a year and a half ago. We miss him and his birthday is this month. Happy Birthday. May that good man rest in peace.
October 7, 2005
QUESTION: What is the benefit of creatine supplementation if we can get it from the meat we eat?
DON LEMMON: There is the theory that supplementation is not only wise, but eating more meat that contains a good source of creatine is wiser. Well, the fact is, yes, creatine is in meat, but it really doesn't make any difference to you either way. The creatine in meat was there for the animal you are eating, not for anyone else to enjoy. Your body isn't going to process it hardly at all for the benefit you would think if you listened to bodybuilding magazines. Bottom line, you simply cannot eat two pounds of steak and expect to get much creatine from it. However, creatine will be produced at a higher rate inside your body from other nutrients that are found in meat. Just do not confuse yourself as to why you feel better after eating steak and not after using a supplement.
October 4, 2005
We have a new bio posted for my close friend, Steven Poor posted at Lemmon Grove now. I am sure this is just the start too. More will follow. For now, I wanted to recognize that this is the season we not only end up catching colds (so take your nutritionals to be safe), but we also get all caught up in religious beliefs.
Let meintroduce you to something that ties it all together, the Basis of Being:
The Basis of Being is a guide book to help people find their way in this crazy world of ours using common sense. It is based on using our basic human faculties that used to help navigate us through this journey we call life. I say used to because modern society has caused us to forget what once used to be common knowledge: CLICK HERE
October 1, 2005
"Dear Don, I want to take part in the Ironman triathlon. Considering I can barely run right now, is it even doable?"
REPLY: Sure it is. Start like so... Write down the distance you can run right now and the time it takes. Write down the distance of that full marathon and the time you want to complete it in. Take the difference between the two and add equal bits of time and increased speed each week all the way up until that race. Say you can run a 10 minute mile now but no further and you want to run all 26 miles of a marathon at that 10 minute pace per mile for 26 miles in 4 hours and 15 minutes in running time... Over the next 50 weeks, run twice a week and add a half mile or 5 minutes of running to each session. In a year you will be doing the marathon in pride and in stride. Apply that to all the other activities in the competition as well.... Keep in mind, while this might anger some people, I think that anyone who runs regularly in marathons are obsessed with some sort of personal issues and I advise against them.
If you want to work up to a faster and faster 30 minute run, one where you run further and further, knock yourself out. Doing anything else eats muscle tissue away and that is not healthy. Do not give me legends of the sport like in cycling and Lance Armstrong as your examples of strong athletes either... That is like comparing Michael Jordan to a high school athlete. Using the elite, the exceptions to the rule, well, that is like using gods of mythology as your case for argument. Something is different with champions and many will tell you they could have done things smarter after the fact... On the average, marathon runners aren't healthy people nor are they very muscular and strong. Sprinters, they are are both... Please consider taking up something less taxing and your body will thank you.
Perfect Vitamin