December 24, 2005
Is this kid going to grow up a Supermodel or what? Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas Eve, go figure. Another year passes by so quickly. Am I just getting old? This December 24th is our first (Asia and I) not spent in Hawaii. It is also our 2nd of 3 where she is pregnant. No complaints out of me on that! And no matter your religion, no matter your belief system, this is a wonderful time of the year. Christmas is supposedly "Christ's Mass" but since it became as commercial as it is and includes Santa Claus as the centerpiece, the arguments over the "reason for the season" become more vocal each passing celebration.
WalMart doesn't allow employees to say, "Merry Christmas," as I tried a number of times to get that sort of response, but they deny it. No matter... All I know is that without Christmas, I would be without many fond memories so I am thankful in my own special way, as is my family. Whether it includes believing in fairy tales or just the gift of giving, I am giving Asia a break this year. She doesn't want to watch The Christmas That Almost Wasn't with me and she doesn't have to. And she is giving me a break as well by not forcing us to drive 2 hours away for a dinner (we are eating closer to home instead of what we did for Thanksgiving).
Anyhow, Happy Holidays for you while I keep working until the last possible minute in preparation for New Year's. Here is a little taste of what is to come; Pizzazz Magazine is featuring a few new articles, new writers and please, check them out:
I also want you to vist another site, my buddy Steven Poor. He and I have been tossing ideas back and forth on a number of new projects that should see the light of day before you know it. Ok, I am off to spend time with the family, see ya next year!
December 19, 2005
Asia and I spent a very low key 2nd Wedding Anniversary today together having lunch, climbing a local volcano, napping and now possibly some dinner. It is the simple things that really matter most. It has been a great two years that has prospered from a few bumps and bruises that made both of us better people. Since we only promised one another 50 years of bliss but only 48 left, I am getting a little nervous. How do I talk her into extending our agreement? <wink> What a view of the canyon here, eh?

Check out the new articles at the following sites:
December 17, 2005
I want to take this opportunity to let you know that a new website displaying some of my friend Jason Gateman's photography entitled "Digi-llusions" is now up and running for the most part.
It's taken a long time to get some work finally organized and the creative process this site has went through included many design revisions and just as many idea changes before settling on something pure for now.
Over the past 2 years Jason has built up a library of over 4000 photos, and it was a daunting task of getting them into print form. The site now displays his 1st Series of 20 carefully selected favorites. They are all available for the holidays.
These lovely portraits are mounted Limited Edition Prints, each signed and numbered in series of 50 per, that comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. For the rest of this month through the end of January these premiere Digi-llusions are available for the special price of $50.00 each.
Please have a look at the site and tell all your friends too... Regular updates are coming and a new series is planned to be posted in February. An interview article is on it's way and I want you to feel free to write or call his gallery with any questions, comments, or requests. They look forward to hearing from you! I hope everyone is having a great holiday season and that you spread the word of Digi-llusions
December 15, 2005
Well guess what... It is official, all those threats I have made since 1999 to reshoot my 1996 and 1997 exercise videos... It is happening... In January of 2006 we have people coming to St. George, Utah from Chicago, Nashville and Philadelphia to film over 3 dozen stretches, 100 exercises and enough one on one conversation about my program as we can possibly fit into the shooting schedule. If you happen to have something that comes to mind you would love to see on film that is related to my books, products, program, etc, drop me a line. We will certainly film our going to breakfast, lunch, dinner and grocery shopping at both conventional and health food stores. We will also get segments on various forms of cardio exercise and whatever else you recommend that fits the bill. So come on, do you have something to contribute? Come on over and say so at our message board.
NOTICE: Both of the following products, the Ultimate Herbal Formula and Glandular Complex have new websites and slightly different, and yet better, ingredient profiles. From now on, they will be known as Don Lemmon's Internal Cleansing System and Glandular Therapy. The sterol/glandular formula now comes in 120 capsule bottles. We are also working on a larger size protein powder so that you do not run out faster than the essential oil you are using to mix it up with. More shortly...
December 12, 2005
This week started off marvelously. Today however I was informed that a certain fitness and bodybuilding organization was trying to scam me over money I invested into one of their shows. Knowing I wouldn't be available to attend, the deal was for them to instead of offering a booth or banner at the function, I would get a full page ad in their magazine. Well, it seems they decided to skip placing the ad and are now saying it was never part of the deal. Let me bet you one or two things. I bet that once I let their competition know of this event and the bad press begins that they come groveling or they decide that it is best to keep things quiet, making good on their promise and Don Lemmon then goes away quietly. I think we all remember what happened when decided to post a fake Asia Carrera blog... Our troops from our message board rallied and MySpace was exposed so explosively they removed not only Asia's supposed postings but other celebrities they tried to scam as well. Hmmm, now I wonder... What will happen if we send out the word again to our readers? We shall see. As of right now the clowns in question haven't the guts to save face and are trying to blame a middle man for their woes. Hey, didn't we sink a major beauty contest a few years back too for plucking out one of my tail feathers? Yes, we did... And today is a day for thought...
December 9, 2005
Here is one of the animated Gif's we made from the photos taken during the Las Vegas board member's gathering & training session last month:

Ok, here is another just cause I like ya so much:

Besides that, and I hope you do not think I am off my rocker, but I am really digging the Basis of Being since it got released this month. I am in fact, bending over backwards to help the authors get their ball rolling. Please, read this article and visit the site. It is well worth your time to explore areas of spiritual fitness that actually have nothing to do with religion, churches or anything else but that which you have within.
“ Humanity needs something simple that will radiate a deep and profound sense of oneness within ourselves and cultivate harmony with our environment. To embrace the Basis of Being as a real living, breathing way of life, is to seek to emulate its philosophies in all that we say and do and our lives should radiate this state of awareness. We should feel it in the very core of our existence. It needs to be recognized that the possible answers to mankind's issues come from within the hearts and minds of genuine seekers of these truths.
This is not a movement, religious foundation, and definitely not a cult. This is a road map which helps guide the traveler along the way. Life is a journey, not a destination and should be treated as such. Through this guide one should seek personal enlightenment, strive towards inner growth and gain the peace that comes with inner resolution of your being; and gain a deeper understanding of what makes a person tick.
It may be forthright, or may meander through all that makes up life; touching on things lightly or heavily, leaving a mark on everything it visits. This can not be considered a Theology, even though it may use aspects of theological foundation. The great thing about approaching life in this manner is it does not require anything, there is no real doctrine to follow, no set rules. Sure, there are guide points, and certain rules of conduct; but these are normal everyday occurrences that you will find come easily to you.
Also, there are no places of worship. We are not worshiping anything other than ourselves. The body and mind is our temple. There are no buildings for you to show your faith and understanding in. You may gather in fellowship with other believers but organized religion is not the intent. Surround yourself with people who share your views. Your free will is completely yours to command.”
For more: CLICK HERE
December 6, 2005
It is official, the latest in my line of supplements, Muscle Protector, will be in stock the first Monday after New Years! We discovered a couple of things while formulating this amino acid supplement and made a couple of changes so you and I both could have an even more powerful product! The final ingredient list is as follows per 8 capsules a day:
L-Alanine 238 mg
L-Arginine* 410 mg
L-Asparagine 56 mg
L-Aspartic 102 mg
L-Carnitine 136 mg
L-Carnosine 10 mg
L-Citrulline 133 mg
L-Cysteine 65 mg
L-Cystine 100 mg
L-Glutamic 142 mg
L-Glutamine 724 mg
L-Glutathione 128 mg
L-Glycine 165 mg
L-Histidine* 203 mg
L-Isoleucine* 597 mg
L-Leucine* 804 mg
L-Lysine* 360 mg
L-Methionine* 348 mg
L-Norvaline 7 mg
L-Ornithine 820 mg
L-Phenylalanine* 422 mg
L-Proline 165 mg
L-Pyroglutamic 180 mg
L-Serine 209 mg
L-Taurine 182 mg
L-Theanine 7 mg
L-Threonine* 209 mg
L-Tryptophan* 53 mg
L-Tyrosine 111 mg
L-Valine* 597 mg
Alpha-Ketoglutaric Acid AKG 61 mg
Creatine Monohydrate 258 mg
DL- Panthenol 12 mg
Glucosamine Sulfate 174 mg
Stearic Acid 82 mg
Yes, that is nearly three dozen ingredients and you can get a month's supply for half price over the first 30 days it is offered. For info and to learn why this product is nearly 2/3 essential amino acids, 1/4 branched chain amino acids and what the remaining protein nutrients do to enhance the formula, stay tuned at the official website for - Muscle Protector by Don Lemmon: CLICK HERE
REMINDER: Until this is available, do not forget your vitamins nor the epitome of fat burning supplements, a product that contains three dozen thermogenic compounds, is waiting for you... Metabolic Prescription

December 3, 2005
The latest news is written on my daughter Catalina's shirt there... We are having Baby #2! That is right! We came home from Vegas last month, got right to work on it and wouldn't you know, the first time is a charm once again! We are so completely thrilled, my life, Lord, my WORLD is about as fulfilled as it could ever be. Thank you God, or Santa... This is so flipping cool! Asia took a test this afternoon then kept it a secret long enough to make this shirt and put it on Catty for surprising Daddy! Surprised? Heck, I am going to take the wife out to celebrate! Talk soon!
December 1, 2005
Well, well, well, it has been two years of blogging here at and oddly enough, I still look forward to updating you on everything that transpires in my life for your enjoyment, as usual. Later this month we will be debuting (yet again) a new look for the site and then some of my affiliate sites. I have decided the time has come to have an official website for each of my products, and little by little, one by one, we will get it all done. Currently there are 4 books out, 6 different food supplements available and on top of this, I am releasing 6 of my novels again. No, it doesn't stop yet.
We also have my entertainment magazine, another magazine for Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW, a productions site, a comic strip and a handful of others (whew). Laughs, I had better stop talking about it and just get back to work or it'll be “forever” before the final details are hashed out and I can show off the sites. There is so much to do… So much to consider… We have a fitness resort being built in the mountains of Tennessee to take care of… We have editing to conduct… Man, the list is endless in appearance but dwindling daily as I cross things off once completed.
Muscle Protector