WARNING: What You May Read Below Is Quite Candid... Enjoy Yourself!
January 29, 2006
Asia and I like to drive to Las Vegas every now and again but we haven't enjoyed the smog well enough to stay longer than it takes to hit Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, 99 Market and the whatever other grocery store is that mission's target. On the last trip we saw a guy trying to sell CD's at a stop light. I figured, "What the heck?" I bought one. But I think it will be best to let Asia tell you what happened next:
"Ok, so a couple weeks ago, Don and I were in Las Vegas, stopped at a stoplight, and this black guy is coming up the street car to car, selling his homemade cds. Don buys one for $5, and we listen to a bit of it on the way home. The guy's name is Dirt Bomb, and it's some hardcore rap stuff. Every so often Don or I will play a tune just as a gag while we're driving somewhere, but it's not really our thing.
Anyway, so today we went back to Vegas again, did some shopping, and we're heading home, when Don starts shouting "Hey! Hey!" as he rolls down my window gesturing at some random black guy walking down the street. Don then pops in the "Dirt Bomb" cd and blasting it trying to get a reaction out of the guy, while I start slinking down real low in my seat (remember, I am completely socially phobic).
I thought Don was just trying to be funny (make me laugh), or trying to make friends, pretty much saying "hey look, I'm cool, I'm down with the black man's tunes, yeah homey!" I was soooooo embarrassed! I didn't know who this poor black guy was walking on the sidewalk that Don was blasting his rap cd at in the middle of traffic!
Turns out that the black guy was none other than the "Dirt Bomb" himself, and Don probably made the guy's millenium by hearing us listening to his tunes while driving around Vegas. Doh! I felt much better after Don explained that to me, but when I explained what was running through MY mind at the time, Don nearly peed himself laughing! And so did I! I mean it WAS pretty funny in retrospect, me thinking that Don was trying to show just any old black guy how he was cool with their music! The white boy just chillin' wit' their rap tunes.... Oh boy... I guess you had to be there!"
Man, I cannot stop laughing at how Asia totally read that situation the wrong way! I bought the CD from Dirt Bomb a few weeks back cause the guy looked like he was nice, you know? Just a dude out trying to make a buck with his music and a dream. That is something I can relate to... And it wasn't bad rap, not even close. What are the odds we just happened to have it still in the CD player from the day we got it? We hardly ever listen to the radio or CD's... We bought it, popped it in, listened to the first half of each rap, shut it off, weren't let down and that was that. But then I saw Dirt Bomb out selling CD's once more about 3 miles from where we did last time and I just reacted! I turned the player on, jammed the volume up, rolled the window down and began honking the horn! He looked over, realized what we were playing and began smiling from ear to ear. That alone made my day. He really did look like "Wow, someone who bought it actually liked it and is still listening to it," ran through his mind. When I was in a rock band, I would have loved to have that happen to me. Hearing someone I didn't know digging my stuff... Right on...
January 22, 2006
Guess who bowled a 148 the other day? Yes, that would be me, laughs... Scoff if you like, it sure beats that first game a little less than a month ago where I rolled under 50! Speaking of games, how about those Steelers this year? Wow, winning 5 of their last 6 games and heading to the Super Bowl. I noticed they succeeded in getting there with a number of blatant fouls along the way though.
That sort of makes them better, no? Being set back over and over and still pulling ahead? Ok, maybe not. But when I told Asia I was going to watch the playoffs today, she about went into shock. I never watch football. However, today was a special occasion. I grew up a Steelers fan and I wanted to see what made them so special in 2005. I am guessing it was just old fashioned grit! "One for the Thumb," guys and good luck!
It is 10:46 pm and besides watching football and laying around those few hours like a couch potato, I have spent around 16 more hours today putting the finishing touches on a new Lemmon Grove book. You'd be surprised how long it takes to finish something when you have 1003 other projects going on. You'd be even more surprised at how much you can accomplish if you only work on one thing at a time too. Go figure.
Before going about your business after reading this, take a peek at a few new items up at Pizzazz Magazine if you have time. There are interviews with radio show host Rick Emerson and former Fabulous Thunderbird bassist Preston Hubbard. We have a former classmate of mine's article on a Haunted House near where I grew up, and then a review of the GMO Expose' The Future Of Food to round out this week's additions.
Ok, I am getting the evil eye from my wife. That's it, time to log off and time for bed! Well, maybe not right away but I just gotta step back from this desk and take a breather... I am too much of a workaholic to actually walk away for as long as I should. Does anyone reading this suffer the same addiction? Come by and let us know at Lies & Propaganda, our exclusive community's Message Board.
January 15, 2006
I regret to inform you that the DVD shoot for next week is cancelled. Actually it is just postponed. We cannot get a secure date due to a business related issue that doesn't involve us very much. Here is the deal... We have two clubs in town I am going to film at. The owner of one has decided to buy the other. Now, from what I understand, the agreement was signed, sealed and delivered just this past Friday.
Before I can film at one club, it needs to have all the old names off the marquee and everywhere else it shows up (like walls, windows, etc). Unfortunately, one club has equipment the other doesn't so while we wait for renovation, we are either without a location or simply delaying our schedule. Depending upon how long this takes, we might move the project to Vegas. I will keep you aware of any changes, as usual.
Speaking of Vegas, we drove down there this week and took Catty to a petting zoo. What a wonderful day we had too. There is nothing in life that compares to seeing your child mingling with furry animals and liking it. I am sure we will return once a year just to see how her reactions change but this first trip was worth every second we spent in traffic getting there. Does anyone else think Vegas is now smoggier than L.A.?
Ok, now for specials this week, well, for the next two weeks. One, Muscle Protector is finally in stock. I have been popping 6 per protein meal and I swear, I am leaner in just 3 days. I love it when I am "right" and I am really hitting the nail on the head with this one. For the next 15 days only, you can call 1-800-228-0872 and order as many bottles as you like for $19.95 each. The price goes up to $29.95 on February 1st, 2006!
And one more thing, my favorite bathroom reading book, the Basis of Being, I am giving copies away for free. This book is full of all sorts of little gems that remind a person how easy it is to live a good life and lead by example.
I happen to be friends with the authors and only ask that if you do not want your free copy that you please pass it along to someone who might. Tell your friends about it and spread a little love in this New Year. That is all I am trying to do. Oh, how do you get this free copy? Just place an order for anything you like from my sites and its yours (until the copies I picked up from the authors run out, of course)...
January 1, 2006
Happy New Year! I hope whatever you did last night, you did it safely and were well behaved boys and girls! We were in bed by 11:00 pm but were woke back up by the fireworks coming from the downtown area and the massive thunderstorm that felt obligated to appear shortly before the sound of bombs going off. Zippity-doo-da...
Anyhow, our evening was mild. Earlier in the day, Asia made pork chops and later on, organic cookies for a mid-evening treat. Those are her photos at the top of the page of these tasty vittles in case you were curious. You know, I think she slept walk and nibbled off the last one. I found it half eaten this morning. Hmmm. Pregnancy cravings, wonderful! But yeah, we stayed in and went to bed early. We're real party animals these days, let me tell you, absolute "lamp shade on the head" types, laughs. Actually, I would have never thought it was so easy to feel this content with life.
Asia and I do plan on going bowling today though. We regret not taking our camera the last time (our first attempt in ten years for either of us), but it was a whim and we didn't plan it all out ahead. Sorry, you will just have to accept my word for how bad we are at it! Boy, was it fun. We drove to Mesquite, NV for coffee after eating Christmas lunch and bowled our little hearts out. We love it so much, we talk about going again almost daily.
Catty was a thrill a minute too. She loved being passed back and forth between mommy and daddy as we took turns rolling. I am not joking when I say we suck; I mean we truly suck. Asia is however better than I am despite her not hitting a single pin her first 4 frames. I rolled gutters my first three tosses and then struck gold with a one pin frame to get the numbers mounting to... Not very much...
By the end, she somehow pulled off a strike and a score of 56 to my 48. How humbling is that? Well, it is all "good in the hood" (I think that's what they say). We went again a couple days later and it was a blast that time too. I rolled a 108 (with two strikes). Asia had two strikes in a row once. I think I might have only gotten one spare last time, maybe, laughs... I do know that if we are planning on going more often than this we should learn about ball size and such. Mine was too heavy or something because my thumb still hurts. I tried about 12 or so balls to see what felt best and only one seemed to fit at all (but what do I know). I will ask the staff next time for info.
Our other plans for today besides bowling included surprising Asia with a trip to her favorite BBQ restaurant. It is open today for New Years but is closing afterwards until Spring. We will see how she feels after waking up. Being pregnant the second go around has brought double the weariness and nausea unfortunately. Believe it or not, the only thing curbing her early morning sickness is a serving of my Complete Protein Powder mixed with a tablespoon of Lemmon's Oil.
DISCLAIMER: Laughs, let me explain that while the "nausea" is "twice" as bad as last time, that is only because Asia actually had zero illness during Catty's pregnancy in 2005. None, nada, zip! This go round she happened to comment "twice" that certain foods I've been cooking "nauseated" her. This is how I came up with the phrase "twice as bad." It was a play of words to make the blog more entertaining while discussing something happening the day I wrote this. We solved the problem by removing the offending items from my diet and giving her a shake first thing in the morning. Within 2 days, her senses went back to normal. Unlike many mothers, Asia is beyond healthy and her pregnancies are a breeze. There is never any vomiting, never a hint of morning sickness, just smelly food, lots of napping and an empty stomach that needs filled. My wife breast feeds and has another bun in the oven, she requires a lot of addition nutrition and when provided, everything balances out. I am clarifying this to prevent my general banter from being confused by anyone deciding to insert erroneous assumptions of their own into the equation that otherwise do not exist... :-)
Pregnant women need plenty of essential fats and proteins for all the growth going on inside, so that makes sense really. Increase your intake of both and you can control your hormonal changes to a degree that you curb certain very common issues related to pregnancy. As for those of you who already use my protein powder, I have something special to announce. We have increased my 2 pound containers to 1 liter sizes. That is a full 1/4 pound more and for this month only, it is FREE. Yes, FREE. A full quarter pound extra powder for the same price as the old jars.
Don Lemmon's Know How Book One
