WARNING: What You May Read Below Is Quite Candid... Enjoy Yourself!
March 31, 2006

Champion Fitness, home gym equipment stores of Salt Lake City and St. George, UT, have teamed up with none other than Don Lemmon, to begin a personal training franchise. The facilities will be dubbed, "Home of the :18 Minute Workouts!" and the ball is currently in motion to train trainers for the first club this week. A similar project is being created at a local chiropractor's office for nutrition consultations and the first set of seminars are booked at the local college to spread the word. The way it appears, by this time next year the group will have moved both businesses into one building and employ a full staff to serve both local and out of town guests. Stay tuned!
March 26, 2006

The family and I went to Aspen this weekend for a little (and much deserved) R&R. While there, no matter how cool Asia or myself pretended to be (as depicted by this photo), Catty stole the show. Here I am speaking with a young lady about my books and thinking people actually care about my work (making a joke here) when Catty strutted her little booty over to the lounge piano to begin playing a tune! That little spotlight stealin' monkey! And just before this incident, while we were getting veggie pizza and talking to a fan of Asia's, Catty did it again... She started showing off her sign language skills, distracted the fan and took all the attention away from her own mommy! And before that... Sigh... There's more... When the dinner band was performing and I carried her across the room to pass by, the audience started laughing at us. Seems my daughter was clapping along in sync with the act! Oh, sure, you think it is cute but you do not see it as I do - A diva in the brewing... Laughs...
Before I go, I wanted you all to see two friends of mine using the Know How exercise principles to leg press 945 pounds for 20 reps at 180 pounds bodyweight and nearly 500 at around 130 pounds (the girl in this clip). Once you view them, if you have questions to why they are doing half reps and discount the effort, I challenge you to load up your own press and copy the half movement and see if you can accomplish the same feat. I bet you cannot upon first try, unless of course you outweigh this fine young couple. Certainly, not everyone wants to set strength records but this is a testament to the fact the body is tougher than you give it credit for and odds are you aren't even close to reaching your full potential... Look: Randy & April from HERE
March 21, 2006

We have finally wrapped up filming for the DVD here this weekend. Things began Thursday evening over sushi with the first group of friends to arrive. Friday at noon we began picking people up at the airport and having lunch overlooking the city from a mesa that towers above the valley here in St. George. It was an amazing five day adventure that I will get around to telling you all about once I get a little rest. In the above photo you can see myself, the cameraman, my friend Chris and Monica Brant looking on. We had a good two dozen people involved and the best time ever...
March 16, 2006
I wanted to say, "Congrats!" to my cousin David and his wife Amy today who just made another adorable addition to their family. I haven't seen them in years but we do keep in touch by email (modern marvels never cease)... I remember playing baseball in my Uncle's yard and now we are all having children, where does the time go exactly?
Just look at these little faces, does it get any better than this? Nicholas David Lemmon was born Wednesday morning at 9:20 a.m. at a weight of 8lbs and 10oz. All are doing well I hear and that is just fabulous news... Hopefully we can get a few more photos of the rest of the clan too!
March 14, 2006
Warrant. When you think of that band, you think of all that was cool about the late 80's and early 90's in reference to rock music. Years gone by, the original band is back together with a new singer. My company hosts and maintains his website actually.
Anyhow, I was given an advance copy of their latest CD to review this week and it is great stuff. The perfect combo of Warrant and Black N Blue (the band Jaime St James was in back in the 80's) and it does not disappoint. I have only one complaint.
Their artwork was designed by a complete clown that uses the same style and technique on everything he does. Thank goodness Warrant's guitarist is good enough at PhotoShop to fix it up and make things work (I am speculating but probably not far off base). So... Get on over and give them a listen... Select the following for more: Warrant and Jaime St James
March 12, 2006
There is a nice home fitness store here in town that I hit it off with the owner so well we are going to double the size of the existing place and turn half of the showroom into a private gym. I will oversee it of course and take on clients. There is more to come, much to plan, but so far, everything sounds great. The way I see it, this is actually the start of the plans I had for a franchise since 1996. The owner and I discussed it this morning, we figured out which wall the bookshelves and supplements will go and will pick up a fridge with a glass door for the oil and protein sometime soon. There is actually plenty of office space and room for serious growth as a private facility and having others working under us. Personally, I will put in probably 12 hours a week until it picks up, then a little more, but only because it will be something "special" for our Utah home. Once developed fully, you will discover how we could easily copy the plan and repeat it anywhere. They can do things and provide what I cannot and I return the favor. It is a good partnership and like most of my products and projects, things may seem similar on the surface (I am sure Curves or other fitness studios come to mind), but in reality the plan is completely different and never implemented by anyone else in the past. In fact, I have been wanting to do this for years since being successful with a prototype before moving back to California in 1999 and the door just opened....
March 10, 2006
I hate my wife. She pushed me naked out into the snow! Wow! You see, we went hiking up a mountain the other day. I did it without a shirt on. Asia came home and planted her garden in a bikini. WONDERFUL weather... Today, tomorrow and the next... It is friggin SNOWING!!! What???? We are watching it pour down right now! I suppose if anything this is further proof I am not fat and that there really is snow... I hope it clears by next week's DVD shoot. Fingers crossed... I do love snow... Oh, the stool, Asia sits on it to water her plants. I wasn't posing nude for paintings or sculptures, laughs...

March 8, 2006
QUESTION: Dear Don, I'm confused. I was at the bookstore browsing and saw at least four books that suggest modifying a workout can get you through a plateau. You are the only one saying diet controls strength. Why? Changing a diet is much more difficult than doing more or less reps. I'm just frustrated that I've changed how I exercise only to find out that I've been doing this wrong. You have provided info and have responded to all my questions."
ANSWER: I always ask myself, "Who is built better and who has clients that I want to look like?" before listening to anyone else's advice... It is fairly simple to understand. Food is fuel, if you aren't fueled well, how can you expect to perform at higher levels? Don't be hard on yourself, it is time to act is all.... Hang in there...
March 6, 2006
My buddy Uncle John has an online radio show and just redid his site: CLICK HERE
And I am tired of bending, scratching, losing or otherwise being irritated by my glasses so I decided to get contacts. Goodbye smears, breaks, etc, etc, etc... I'm tired of it!
Besides that, things are going well. I decided to make one change in my lifestyle with this shoot coming up, to make sure my calories are equal at each meal. That is it. I do ride my bike for 30 minutes each morning but it is at such a slow pace I would call myself a slacker if I were training me as a client. Ok, I also lift weights twice a week doing 1 set of 6 exercises a session.
Anyhow, this has only been going on for a week (yes, I am a slacker, I know) but Asia has been calling me skinny and saying I am looking more like a martial artist after these mere 7 days. I honestly wish I could see what it is everyone actually does. How they lift, how they do cardio, how they prepare food, etc, because if Asia sees changes in me already, you guys really should be seeing results already too... Are you?
March 4, 2006
Catty wants to share her birthday cake with you! Happy Numero Uno little girl!
March 3, 2006
March just started the other day and we are already up to our ears in news and events. It is hard to believe but tomorrow is Catty's 1st official birthday. A whole one year old. Tell me, where does the time go exactly?
52 weeks ago today she was born but according to calendar dates, and all that is holy, we will celebrate on the 4th like good parents...
Today however is still special. We got the surprise and honor of seeing our little superstar in the National Enquirer of all things! No, there isn't a scandal...
They selected her as the cutest baby in the USA or something of the sort (Like we didn't already know that, sheesh)! We bought about 10 copies and I made sure the cashier knew she was ringing up a "star" - LOL - To see: CLICK HERE
Have I mentioned how great it is to be me? I couldn't be more proud!
Oh, before I go, come join the Best Shape Of Your Life for ONLY $5.95!
March 2, 2006
Coming up with a name for Baby #2 barely took a full afternoon. I am not kidding! We possibly discussed things for about 5 minutes and not even 24 hours after the news first hit us - we had a whopper! Man, it really is the coolest name imaginable for a little boy. He can't go wrong or grow up unhip with a name like this - Devin D'Artagnan!
Devin comes from the friend who set Asia and I up together for the first time, Devin Devasquez and D'Artagnan of course comes from a classic bit of literature many of you have read or seen the movie (and a very real person too by the way). Here's a hint, "All for one and one for all!"
Without hesitation (and definitely before making this announcement to avoid cyber squatters who like to take advantage of other people), upon first opportunity we reserved the domain name for our boy too. So look forward to all sorts of cool stuff at DevinDartagnan.com soon just like we have done for CatalinaLemmon.com
I love teaming up with my wife and coming up with new ideas for making our lives together and family happy. She didn't want to be "boring" and name our son after me since I am already named after my own father... Lucky for her, I agreed...
March 1, 2006
We went for Asia's first sonogram of the second Lemmon baby. As if we aren't blessed enough, we found out our perfect family has become well rounded... We are having a boy this time! Finally, a son to carry on the family name! My brother has two girls you see, so this is a wonderful experience in so many different ways! I was bawling like a sissy in seconds flat!
In fact, I was so choked up even later in the day while buying a little outfit for the guy (who isn't due until August 11th) that I also decided to celebrate with a bit of tequila (sue me, it is a special day)! Hey, why do these babies look like aliens at this stage (kidding)... For the proof it is a boy: CLICK HERE
Sigh, "What a week," so far. And there are only two more left until the DVD shoot featuring about a dozen of my clients flying here to St. George along with Monica Brant. I suppose if anyone is going to enjoy another fine alcoholic beverage it can wait until the filming comes to a close. Between now and then, I will behave.
At least you know I am human and let loose once in a while, right? So many of these supposed fitness gurus today pretend to be goody-goody and it makes me sick. "As if," anyone is well behaved, prim and proper 24-7. If anything, I wait until I deserve the "me" time before taking it and I can easily afford to.
As you can tell from this tiny photo, I am not in bad shape at all and this video shoot is going to be a major success and step in the right direction in getting more exposure for Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW in 2006. Now to go give the most wonderful woman alive some much deserved love... She has truly completed me with today's events...
Don Lemmon's Best Shape Of Your Life